chapter twenty-one

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"Let's go, Changbin~ah!" Felix yelled at the top of his lungs as the older swiftly moved the ball against the Vietnamese players. There were only 10 minutes remaining and the score was 1:1.

Jisung held his breath as he intently watched the ball being passed from player to player, time seriously pressuring them. When the ball got passed to Minho, the whole stadium cooed in anticipation as he was getting closer and closer to the goal.

"Let's go!!!" Han encouraged, face red from all the screaming.

"Go go go!"

Minho quickly looked around the field and after noticing the gap between the Vietnamese defenders, he swung his leg and kicked the ball to the net's direction.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Felix and Jisung yelled into each other's faces as a bunch of replays of the goal in various different angles were being shown on the big screen.

The whole stadium had became wild as they cheered for the winning team.

"Good job, Minho!" Han couldn't contain his happiness as he kept jumping in excitement of possibly them becoming winners of the entire continent of Asia.


As soon as they entered their hotel room—both of the boys' overheated bodies collapsed on the beds, still desperately trying to regain their regular breathing back.

"Y'all did so so good. Good job, guys." The Aussie praised, getting in bed and burying his fingers into Changbin's wet locks.

"Thanks. I feel amazing, yet so tired." He said and nuzzled deeper into the pillow, heavy breaths leaving his exhausted body.

Jisung just quietly sat on the bed next to Minho, still in complete awe of their performance. "I was quite literally shocked." He said in a British accent, making everyone burst out laughing.

Minho lowly chuckled, "Good."

"I'm so proud of you guys, the game was amazing."


"But y'all better recover fast, we have a dinner to attend to in about an hour." Jisung said and unzipped his suitcase, looking for his outfit he had prepared for the night.

"What are you wearing?" The older asked.

"Probably this." Han showed him a white silky blouse and black dress pants.

"I really like the shirt."

"Thank you." He blushed. "What are you going to be wearing?"

"Something similar just with a tie."

"Okay, cool."


"This place is so nice!" Jisung immediately squealed as soon as they entered the restaurant, the dimmed lights showing off the fancy place.

"It really is." Minho mostly payed his attention to the boy since him and his teammates weren't that close overall and everyone had their plus ones so they were busy either way.

As Han was still looking around the place mesmerised, Minho slightly pushed him forward, hand on his waist, giving him a feeling Han never knew he needed. "Don't stand around for too long, let's just go to our table."

"Okay." Jisung popped a wobbly smile, trying to ignore the hand placement.

As everyone sat at the table and chatter got louder, one of Minho's teammates spoke up, trying to spark a conversation, "So, Minho, is this your boyfriend?"

"Yeah." He answered without any hesitation.

Jisung panicky widened his eyes and looked at the older who just smirked in response.

"He's pretty, isn't he?" Minho pushed it even further, making Han's ears heat up, he felt embarrassed.

"He is." He said, which made Han lowly smile. "Pretty body. Good for all the good stuff, am I right boys?" He laughed and dabbed his other teammate up.

Minho's smile dropped as he rolled his eyes at the unnecessary comment, implying something else. "I know, but you can stop now." This was where he drew the line.

"Alright, alright, so overprotective." He laughed.

Jisung, on the other hand, didn't even really know how to feel about the remark on his body. Of course, it was kind of a compliment, but it just seemed off and a bit weird to bring up on the first meeting. He just silently hoped they didn't think of Han just as someone with a pretty face and body. He was so much more than that.

But trying to just shake it off, Han lifted his hand and pushed his glasses up his nose, making the sleeve of his blouse slightly slip down his arm.

"Han~ah." Minho whispered and got closer to his ear. "I can see your scars and so can they. I don't want you to hide them, but around them—you probably should, you see how they are. Don't want it to cause any more of gossiping. Are you okay with that?"

Han nervously chuckled, pulling at his sleeves, "Yeah, sorry." Shit, he felt so weak.

"You're good, don't worry about it."

Jisung's whole entire body felt stiff, it was like he needed to monitor his own movements to make sure he didn't mess up or embarrass himself in front of them in any way.

Not too long after that, the waitress was already bringing out the food. It was a bunch of different plates with a lot of different food on it. You could choose whatever you wanted to.

As everyone started eating, Jisung took a longer second to look at the food in front of him, staring to space out.

"Eat, okay?" Minho's voice pulled him out of the trance.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Of course." He nervously laughed and put some food on his plate, beginning to slowly eat. He made sure to make long pauses between the bites, but overall, he didn't feel too pressured, since it was delicious.

"Good?" Minho asked, making sure he eats.


Jisung actually genuinely enjoyed the taste of the fried rice so he decided to get some more on to his plate. As he was reaching for the rice, his sleeve slightly rolled down his forearm again, exposing his scars.

One of Minho's teammates noticed it and widened his eyes. He turned to his friends and started whispering something, all of them laughing at the comments.

Han couldn't help, but feel their eyes on him so he immediately assumed they were talking about him.

"Minho," He lowly said to the older, "Are they talking about me?"

"Yes." He hurriedly spoke and pulled up Jisung's sleeves.

Han now understood and became so fucking insecure.

"I-I'm going to use the bathroom." Jisung excused himself and when he was about to stand up, Minho laced their fingers together.

"Don't bother. Ignore them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your arms."

"I feel so uncomfortable."

"I know. Try to relax, okay? Don't mind those assholes."

"But, Minho—"

"Do you wanna go back to our room? We don't have to stay here."

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