chapter nineteen

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"Where have y'all been for so long?" Jisung stood up from his bed, glasses propped up on the tip of his nose as he greeted Felix an Changbin who had gotten from the carnival just now. "Oh." He lowly whispered in dissatisfaction after seeing Felix's current state. Minho just turned in his sleep from all the chatter in the room.

"Felix had a little bit too much to drink." The older lowly chuckled, having Felix's arm draped around his neck as he stood there completely wasted.

"How did he even manage to get this drunk at a fucking carnival?" Jisung groaned at the boy's irresponsible behaviour. He went over and helped carry Felix to his bed.

"We went to a bar afterwards."

"And you couldn't take care of your boyfriend?" He scolded the older.

"Sorry! He's a lightweight, I didn't even think he was drinking that much. It takes him only a few drinks to get him... Uh, like this." He pointed to the boy, passed out on the bed.

"Whatever, I'll take care of him in the morning."

"It's okay, I can take care of him myself."

"You have practice. You won't take care of him, really." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Okay, take good care of him."

"I will, because you obviously couldn't."

"Oh, shut up."

"Good night, I'm going to bed. And I'm turning off the lights so figure out everything in the dark."

"Han, you can be such a bitch sometimes." Changbin chuckled, finding the passive aggressiveness to be quite amusing.

"Good night." Jisung shortly said and turned off the lights, falling back to bed. He sighed deeply, thinking about what he was going to do with Felix the next morning since it was the day of their championship and he couldn't possibly risk him to be hangover. He thought about buying him hangover soup and some medicine from headaches, cause he most definitely will have those.

He thought long and hard when he felt someone's arms wrap around his waist, pulling him back. He was brought closer to Minho's chest, big spooning the younger.

"What are you—" Jisung whispered, turning his head back.

"Sleep." Minho said demanding and cuddled up even closer, burying his face into the crook of Han's neck.

Han didn't feel uncomfortable with his touch—it was just so new to him. In his past relationships, nothing really was physical, it was purely just for the boys' he was dating statuses. Even when he tried to ask for cuddles or more physical touch—he got none and it made him wonder if there was actually something wrong with him. There must surely be a reason as to why no one wanted to cuddle him to sleep.

You see, all of their end goal was to sleep with Han. Cuddles, hugs and other unnecessary touching would just make the whole situation so much more difficult than it needed to be. Physical closeness gets people attached and they couldn't risk that. Every time Jisung wanted to feel loved, to receive gentleness and support, he only would get asked when is he going to let them tap.

It was nonetheless exhausting. When this, when that? But the real question was—when are you going to actually love me?

Jisung was just so touched-starved. He wanted someone to care for him. He put his hand on Minho's that was laying around his waist and pushed it down to hold him tighter. Minho immediately complied, tightening his grip. He pushed his body forward, pressing up against Han completely. His nose nuzzled against his sensitive neck. He started placing soft kisses on the muscle, disrupting Jisung's regular breathing as it became quite shaky.

His soft lips left open-mouthed little pecks, driving Han crazy. He slightly tipped his head deeper into the pillow, to give him easier access to his neck. His body was aching and burning with desire as he desperately wanted—no, he needed to feel more.

Minho kissing all over, trying to find his sweet spot, got Han to accidentally rut his hips back onto the older. When he felt the boy on his front he instantly stopped everything that he was doing. He wasn't kissing his neck anymore, he was holding Jisung's hips firmly, stopping them from possibly moving again.

"Don't do that." He whispered into his ear, Jisung just sloppily nodded in return. It was almost as if he felt intoxicated under his touch. "What got you so worked up?"

"You." He breathed out.

"You are so pretty." Minho said and slid his fingers between Han's, intertwining them. "So pretty, so gentle, so smart and well spoken."

"Stop." Jisung shushed him, feeling extremely shy about the compliments. "We should sleep." He whispered.



"Okay, good night then." Minho lowly chuckled as he placed a final soft kiss on Han's cheek, not wanting to start anything they wouldn't be able to finish.

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