Just you and me

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MC was on the train making her way too duskwood for the very first time, she was both nervous and excited. She hadn't told the group she was coming the only person that knew was Jake. They had planned it all out a few weeks ago Hannah was now safe. So they decided it was time while Jake was still wanted he couldn't hold back how he felt.

MC looked back at that message Jake sent before he left the mines

Jake: I can not go without telling you

MC: without telling me what?

Jake: something I've been meaning too say for a long time

MC: what do you want too tell me?

Jake: MC, I love you

MC: I love you too, Jake

MC held the phone close too her heart and smiled she had never felt this way about anyone before. She always thought she knew what love was, but that all change the day Jake entered her life.

MC was now ready too get off the train as she stepped off she could see the sign duskwood train station. She couldn't help but smile she was now in duskwood there was no going back now. She made her way too the front of the station taking a look around. She pulled her phone out taking one last look at the directions Jake sent before turning her phone off.

MC made her way across the road walking down the alley way, taking lefts and rights she came out at an abandoned house just on the outskirts of duskwood. MC made her way down the path lightly knocking on the door. The door opened and there stood the hacker dressed in black his hair slightly poking out from his hoodie.

MCs heart started too race she saw his bright blue eyes looking at her, not being able too take her eyes off him. She pushed Jake against the wall and kissed him deep, there was so much passion spilling out they couldn't control themselves.

It had felt like an eternity waiting too see each other, they made their way up the stairs not breaking the stream of kisses clothes coming off as they went.

A few hours later they both lay back breathing heavily from their activities, Jake took hold of MCs hand kissing it softly sending an electric feeling over MCs body. She turned too look at him, his body was smooth you could tell he worked out. Running her hand over his chest slowly feeling every inch of his body.

Jake's POV

I can't believe MC is finally here in my arms I used too prefer loneliness someone who wanted too be alone. Not letting anyone in always having my guard up, all that changed the day MC came into my life. I love her so much she is my whole world I want too be selfish and get her too stay with me. I know if I ask her she will give up everything too be with me, but can I really ask that of her? I know what she will say it's her choice too make and I don't get a say in it.

We have just had sex for the second time her body is beautiful she's beautiful, she is truly a work of art. We just lay looking into each others eyes no words needed too be spoken. At the moment we both knew what the other was thinking.

MC: I love you Jake

Jake: I love you MC, please stay with me forever

MC: Jake, you are my forever and always I will always be by your side

They shared a kiss, closing the gap between them hugging each other taking in each others warmth.

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