The Bet

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The bet

The group had all been invited to MC's and Jessy's apartment Saturday nights was a tridison they would go round to each other's place and have drinks. Tonight it was MC's and Jessy's turn. MC was busy getting ready in her room when there was a soft knock at her door. "Come in" MC standing in front of the mirror making the final touches to her hair and makeup. "You look hot MC Jake's going to love you in that dress" Jessy came walking across the room sitting down on the bed. "Do you really think so? We have been flirting a lot and I do really like him" Jessy got up off the bed and walked over to MC. "If he doesn't kiss you while your wearing that dress then he's an idiot"

MC turned to face Jessy who had a big smile on her face "I guess you're right it's his loss if he doesn't want to kiss me" Jessy hugged MC and they both went into the kitchen to finish making the punch. "God Jessy how much vodka did you put in this?" Jessy started to laugh at MC coughing at how strong the punch was. "What? There are only 4 bottles in it plus a bottle of gin and some fruit juice" MC shook her head and laughed. "This is definitely going to make things more interesting" Jessy winked at MC with a grin on her face. There was a knock at  the door and MC went to answer it "Jack Daniels has arrived" Dan headed straight for the kitchen putting two bottles of Jack Daniels down on the side.

"Sorry about him he's not stopped going on about this party all day" MC moved to the side to let Jake in. "That's okay I've gotten used to him" MC smiled turning towards Jake capturing his ocean blue eyes. "You look really nice in that dress, super hot" Jake felt his cheeks turn a slight shade of red at his comment. "Thanks you're looking very hot yourself" MC winked at Jake and closed the door leading him into the kitchen. All 4 of them grabbed a drink MC went to put some music on to get the party started. Everyone else soon started to arrive Jessy and Richy followed by Cleo, lilly Hannah and Thomas.

The party was now in full swing, everyone having such a great time, Jake and MC had been getting closer and closer through the night. "I'll go grab us another drink" MC got up off Jake's lap as he went into the kitchen Dan was there getting another drink. "Hey hackerman, how far you got with our little bet? You still have not kissed her yet" Dan had a big smirk on his face. "Not yet, it's starting to feel wrong" Dan walked over to Jake and put his hands on his shoulders. "Look it's just a little kiss no one will get hurt you can do it" Jake moved away from Dan and grabbed two bottles of beer. "I hope your right"

Jake went back into the other room where MC was waiting for him. She got up off the chair so he could sit down and, taking hold of her hand he guided her back down onto his lap. They both sat and for a while until Jessy and Hannah pulled MC off Jake's lap so they could dance. "I'm sorry Jake but this one's going to have a dance to our favorite song" Jake laughed as MC pleaded for help "it's okay I'm not going anywhere" MC gave Jake a stealth stair which only made Jake laugh more.

"Come on MC one more dance" Hannah and Jessy tried to convince MC to keep dancing. "I've been dancing for the past half hour let me have a break and I'll join you later" both Jessy and Hannah made MC promise MC found herself a seat on the sofa glad to be sitting down. "I thought you could use this" MC looked up and saw Jake with a bottle of beer in his hand. "Thanks Jake I sure could do with a drink" Jake went to sit down next to her he could see Dan watching him waiting for him to make his move. When the bottle left MC's lips Jake leaned over and kissed MC on the lips. MC was taken back but then she leaned in for another kiss.

After they parted Jake looked into MCs eyes he could see so much love in them a wave of guilt started to wash over him MC could tell that something was wrong. "Jake? What's wrong?" Jake looked at MC, the guilt still washing over him. "Everything is fine, I'm gonna go get another drink I'll be right back" leaving a stunned MC Jake rushed off to the kitchen. "Way to go you did it, you actually did it" Dan was patting Jake's shoulders with a big grin on his face. "Come on Jake, lighten up you won the bet" Jake walked away from Dan and grabbed another beer. Before Jake replied, MC came into the kitchen with tears in her eyes. "So that's why you missed me you only did it for a bet from now on stay away from me Jake"

MC stormed out of the kitchen and went into her room, tears running down her cheeks. She felt so humiliated. She really cared so much for Jake and he's gone and broken her heart.

"What the hell have you done now? Why is MC upset?" Jessy crossed her arms with an angry expression on her face. "Oh it's nothing just MC getting worked up over nothing" Jessy marched over to Dan and smacked him for his stupid comment. "Fuck sake Dan I should never of gone through with your stupid idea" Jessy looks back at Jake concern in his eyes. "You better get in there now Jake and make this right with MC" Jake left the kitchen and went to knock on MCs door he could hear the sobs coming from the outside of the room "MC I'm so sorry please let me in to explain" MC looked up at the door and considered letting him come in. "Fine" the door slowly opened and Jake came in closing the door behind him. "MC I'm so sorry I never ever meant to hurt you, it was all Dan's idea I tried to back out hell I wanted to kiss you so badly that I didn't care about the stupid bet I kissed you because I wanted to not because of some stupid bet" MC looked up at Jake tears still in her eyes she thought for a moment before she replied. "Is that really true? You kissed me because you wanted to no because of some stupid bet"

Jake took MCs hand holding it in his "MC I'm completely crazy about you I have been ever since we first met it was love at first sight" MC looked in shock she couldn't believe what Jake had said. "You love me? If you love me then why did you make a stupid bet with an idiot that knows nothing about women" MC got up from the bed and stormed out of the room. Jake ran after her calling her name but she didn't stop she made a beeline for the kitchen. Dan was standing talking to Cleo when MC came charging across the kitchen and punched Dan in the face. "Next time you want to make a stupid bet why don't you stop and think about the person's feelings you're hurting" MC stormed off this time leaving the apartment. "Dan, what have you done this time?" Cleo standing watching as Dan pulled himself back up off the floor. "I haven't done anything I swear" Cleo gave Dan that look and he backed into the corner with nowhere to go.

"Okay, okay I may have made Jake bet me that he wouldn't kiss MC before the end of the night. He didn't want to do it but I made him" Cleo stood in shock at what Dan had said. "You're a jerk Dan!! You know full well how she feels about Jake and you go and do this" Jake was running after MC shouting her name "MC please I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you, it was a mistake making that bet but I don't regret kissing you I'm in love with you" MC stopped and turned around Jake had caught up with her placing his hand on her shoulder. "You could have just told me Jake, you could have come to me and explained but you didn't. I'm sorry Jake just give me some time"

MC walked away from Jake. She had a lot to think about and a part of her was really hurt by what had happened. The other side was so in love with Jake she just wanted to wrap her arms around him. She stopped and turned around. Jake was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. Her feet started to move towards him sitting down next to him she placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked up in shock that MC had come back. "Hi" MC smiled and rubbed her hand up and down Jake's back. "Hi," Jake smiled back, wiping the tears away from his eyes. "Jake, I came back because I wanted to tell you I love you" Jake was stunned by MCs words he wasn't expecting to hear the words from her lips. "I love you to MC I always have, I did such a stupid thing making that bet can you ever forgive me?"

MC smiled at Jake lifting his chin up forcing him to look at her, "why don't we try that kiss again" no words were needed their lips got closer when they touched it was the most magical moment. They sat and kissed each other for a few minutes when they were forced to break apart to catch their breath. "I really am sorry MC, that kiss was amazing I love you" MC smiled and leaned in kissing Jake on the nose. "I love you Jake, you all I ever wanted" Jake got up off the bench and reached out for MCs hand. "Should we go back to the party?" MC took hold of Jake's hand and smiled. "Why don't you take me back to yours and we can have our own private party" Jake smiled and kissed MC on the cheek. "That's a brilliant idea let's go" they walked hand in hand along the empty streets of duskwood completely in love with each other.

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