Can A Broken Heart Heal?

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Can a broken heart heal?

It's been 3 years since I last saw or heard from Jake, he promised he would find a way for us to be together. I've tried reaching out to him but I've got nothing that night we spent together is one I can't forget. Especially now that I have Jaden to look after Jake as a son, a 3 years old little boy. I've told Jaden about his daddy. I told him that daddy is away and will be back soon. I don't know how much longer I can keep this lie up. It's breaking my heart knowing that Jake is out there somewhere for all I know he's been caught. I write a message to him every night. I send pictures of Jaden and tell him how Jaden's day has been.

I've just put Jaden to bed. He's not been feeling well these past couple of nights, but thankfully he should sleep through now the meds have kicked in. I'm sitting in bed with the TV on low trying to read a book but my thoughts keep drifting back to Jake. I wish that he was next to me right now. I wish that we were cuddled up together. I want so badly to kiss him goodnight as we drift off to sleep. I want to wake up to him every morning. I wish for so many things I would do anything just to be in his arms. I decided to grab my phone and send him my nightly message and photo of Jaden.

Hello my angel,
I hope you are safe and well? Jaden is hopefully starting to feel better after his high fever. I took him to the doctor's and he's been given some antibiotics. He painted you a picture today with his new paint set. I talk to him about you everyday. I miss you so much Jake I want you here with me. I love you so much it hurts. I'm going to try and get some sleep. I'm still waking up in the night that hasn't stopped.

I love you Jake
Yours always and forever

I send the message to Jake and put my phone back down on my bedside table turning my TV off and the lamp. I pull the covers up and curly up into a ball and let the tears roll down my face.

Jake's POV
I've not been able to see MC for 3 years now. I haven't been able to send her any messages. It's been killing me so much I want to be able to reply to all her messages but I can't, I can't yet. She's been sending me updates on our baby boy. He's beautiful, he looks just like his mum. MC sends me nightly pictures of him and tells me all about his day. I'm glad he's feeling a little better knowing that he was sick upsets me. I am so sorry MC that I can not reach out to you. I want you to know I have saved every single message you have sent me.

I have just received the message you sent tonight, it breaks my heart to know how much you are hurting. I really hope that soon I can reach out to you. I want to be able to tell you how much I love you. I want to tell the whole world that I am in love with you but I want you to move on. I can't keep letting you wait for me like this. I need you to find happiness with someone else. As much as it will break me completely it's the best thing for you my angel no matter what I will always care for you.

The next morning Jaden came bouncing into MCs room and jumping on the bed, "mummy, mummy" "morning sweetheart, are you feeling better?" "Can we go to the park today mummy?" "I'll take that as a yes, of course let's get breakfast first tho" they both got out of bed MC switched the coffee machine on to make the coffee. Then she grabbed Jaden's bowl and made him some cereal. She put the bowl down in front of him and he started eating his breakfast. After breakfast MC got Jaden ready for their trip out to the park they met up with Jessy and Richy with their little girl Bella. She was the same age as Jaden and loved playing together. "Hi MC" the redhead beamed as MC got closer "hello Jaden, haven't you got big" Jessy gave Jaden a big hug "hi Jessy, hello Bella look at you in your princess dress" Bella spun round showing off her dress.

The two kids went off to play with Richy while MC and Jessy sat down on a bench to talk "how have you been? Have you heard from him?" "Nope he's not contacted me I send him updates but nothing" "I know this might sound harsh but you should get out there go on a date" "I don't know Jessy, I want to but I" "come on you can do this I've got the perfect guy for you" "not another blind date Jessy" "no, no it's not like it was last time this guy is perfect he's called Phil he owns a bar" "alright Jessy, I get the picture did Phil put you up to this?" "Erm, no comment so is that a yes?" Jessy looked up at MC with her best puppy dog eyes look. "Argh okay then tell him to pick me up tonight you can have Jaden for the night" "perfect I'll call him now thanks MC"

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