Finding Eachother

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MC was on her way too a festival with her friends, she didn't really want too go all she wanted too do was stay home. It had been 6 months since she first met Jake her heart was breaking. Her friends insisted on her coming trying their best too cheer her up.

Danni she was the loud energetic one that was always fun too be around, Emma she was the Joker of the group always making others laugh. Then there was MC she used too be this fun energetic, always up for a laugh fun person too be around. That was until Jake when he said he said he would contact her when he could. 6 months have gone by and not a word from Jake MC was so worried about him.

Today was no different except her friends where making her come too a festival, there was so many live bands, good, drink, games everyone was having an amazing time.

Danni: come on guys my favourite band is about too start, I don't want too miss them.

Emma: hurry up MC were going too miss it

MC: okay, okay I'm coming

They just got there in time when the band came on stage, they played all Danni's favourite songs. It was such an amazing time, MC tried too get into it but her mind just drifted back too Jake. Once the band had finished they went too grab some food and drink.

Danni: they were amazing, this is so much fun

Emma: come on MC you need too lighten up a little

MC: lighten up? How the hell can I do that when my heart is breaking!! I don't know where he is and it's killing me.

Danni: come on let's go get another drink and go see the next band

MC: you guys go I'm not in the mood I'll meet you back here afterwards

Danni and Emma got up from their seats and went too see the next couple of bands that were playing. MC just sat playing with the straw in her drink, when she got up too go get another drink she bumped into someone. Someone she never thought she would ever see again.

MC: oh I'm so sorry I.......

When she looked up her mouth dropped wide open, she looked into them bright blue eyes was this really him.

MC: Jake? Is that you Jake? I know them eyes anywhere please say it's you

Jake: it's me MC

Tears streamed down MCs face she couldn't believe the love of her life was really stood infront of her. Jake wrapped his arms around MC holding her close she could feel his heart beat. The warmth coming from him calmed her down his smell was so intoxicating.

MC: what are you doing her? I thought it was dangerous

Jake: first I want too apologies for not contacting you, it would of put you in danger if I had. Second I just had too come and see you, MC I missed you so much I knew it would be safe. With so many people around I decided too take the chance and see you.

MC: I want too come with you I can't stand not being with you Jake, I love you

Jake: it's too dangerous MC it's not a life I want too burden you with

MC: you don't get too make that choice for me I am coming with you, I don't want too spend a single second away from you.

Jake: if that is what you truly want then I can't say no, I want you by my side I need you MC

MC grabbed hold of Jake's hoodie and kissed him deep their arms wrapping around each other.

MC: before I do leave with you I need too tell my friends

Just as MC pulled out her phone her two friends were coming towards her

Danni: well look at you someone looks happy

Emma: so what gives? What's with the smile

MC: guys this is Jake, he found me at the festival and I'm going too go with him

Danni: are you really sure about this? Have you thought it through?

MC: it's all I've ever thought about

Emma: I'm gonna miss you MC

Danni: me too, text when you can okay

MC: I'll miss you both too and of course I will text when I can

MC hugged her two friends goodbye and grabbed Jake's hand making their way through the crow.

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