High Fever

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High fever

MC woke up really to start her day when she was stopped in her tracks her head was pounding. Her temperature was up and down. She was sweating and shivering. She somehow managed to pull herself out of bed and went down stairs. Jake was in the kitchen making coffee when he hurt MC coughing from the doorway. He rushed over to her and checked her temperature "MC you're burning up you need to be in bed" MC tried to shrug it off but failed. "I-i'll be fine I just need something for this headache and I can get to work" Jake stopped MC in her tracks and took her right back to bed. "You're staying in bed, your sick bed is the best place for you" MC couldn't argue with him as she knew he was right.

Jake got MC into bed and pulled the covers over her, he went back downstairs and made her a hot drink with some honey and lemon. After he took the drink up he went to have a look for something that MC could take for her temperature. He wasn't able to find anything so he decided to go to the pharmacy to grab MC what she needed. Before going he checked on MC she had fallen asleep he didn't want to disturb her so he went back downstairs quietly. He grabbed his jacket and car keys and headed out to the pharmacy to get some things for MC.

While Jake was out MC woke up and her temperature had gotten worse she called out for Jake but nothing. "Jake? Jake? Where are you?" With no reply MC somehow managed to get out of bed and slowly made her way down the stairs. As she was about to step off the third step from the top she went really lightheaded and lost her footing and slipped down the stairs. She lay at the bottom of the stairs trying to get up but failed at some point she passed out. When Jake returned he dropped the bag and ran over to MC lay at the bottom of the stairs.

"MC?? MC?? Are you okay? Please speak to me I'm so sorry for leaving you alone baby" Jake helped MC up and took her back upstairs. He laid her back down on the bed softly, pulled out his phone and called for the doctor. The doctor came round and examined MC. She had no physical injuries but she did have a huge fever. The doctor gave Jake a prescription for some antibiotics. "I know she needs the meds but I don't want to risk leaving her on her own again" "I can take care of this for you the pharmacy is only down the street I can get them to deliver them to you later today" "wow you really do that? Thank you doctor" Jake showed the doctor out and went back upstairs to check on MC. He sat by the bed taking hold of her hand. He lifted it up and kissed her hand softly.

A few hours later Jake was sitting next to MC on his laptop when there was a knock at the door. He closed his laptop and went to answer the door. It was the delivery driver from the pharmacy "thank you" Jake smiled and closed the door heading back upstairs. When he got back to the bedroom MC started to wake up he rushed to her side taking hold of her hand. "Jake? Is that you?" "It's me my angel I'm right here" "I don't feel so good what's going on" "it's okay, you have a high fever but don't worry I've got you some antibiotics from the doctor" "I thought I heard the doctors voice" "let me go get you some water so you can take your first tablet"

Jake got up from the bed and went to get MC some water, when he came back he helped MC take her first tablet. She soon fell back to sleep cuddled up to Jake's side; he didn't leave her for one second. The next morning MC woke up still feeling awful but a little bit better she sat herself up and saw Jake sleeping next to her. He looked so tired he had been up most of the night making sure MC was okay. MC smiled stroking his face and brushing the hair away from his eyes. He looked so peaceful laying there. MC reached over to her bedside table and took her next antibiotic for the day.

All the sleep she had yesterday did give her a bit more energy, the tablet didn't take long to kick in. MC's eyes grew heavy and she cuddled back up to Jake and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep. Later that night Jake woke up MC cuddled up to him and noticed the time on the clock was 5pm. Jake checked on MC she was still sleeping her temperature had gone down alot from last night. He pulled open his laptop and ordered some Chinese takeout. He made sure to order MC some soup and a few other things in case she got hungry later.

After Jake placed the order he put his laptop to one side and checked once again, she had started to walk up when she felt Jake kiss her forehead. "Hey how are you feeling?" "A little better can you help me to the bathroom" Jake got up from the bed and walked round the other side. MC put her arms out so Jake could help her up off the bed, he kept hold of her and guided her to the bathroom. "Can you wait outside?" "I won't move I promise" after MC had finished Jake was waiting outside just like he promised. "Thank you baby for everything you are doing" "no thanks needed my angel I know you would do the same for me"

As the days passed MC was getting stronger and stronger. She had finished the antibiotics and was better than ever. "Hey baby, I'm back from work, where are you?" MC went up  to find Jake rolled up in a ball on the bed she rushed over to check on him. "Jake you're burning up, how long have you been like this?" "Since you left for work this morning" "right get yourself into bed right now I'm phoning the doctor" "MC it's okay I'll be fine in a few hours" "do as you're told Jake you're sick" Jake claimed into bed and MC covered him up. The doctor came round and prescribed some antibiotics, MC went to pick them up and stocked up on a few things while she was out.

When MC got back Jake was fast asleep she went to get a bottle of water from the fridge and put it down next to him. She checked his temperature. It was still really high when Jake started to wake up and MC gave him the first tablet. Before he fell asleep he said "I love you MC" "I love you to Jake"

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