I Told You I'd Come Back

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I told you I'd come back

It's been 2 years since I last heard from Jake I look at the last message we had together

Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you to Jake

We promised each other we would see each other after Hannah was safe, everything went so wrong. The FBI turned up looking for him and then there was Richy he set fire to the mine. A massive explosion erupted from the mine. Did Jake get out in time? Have I lost the love of my life? It's been 2 years since Hannah had found she was now getting her life back together. The judge didn't even give her jail time what the fuck was that about she's the one that's caused all this mess. It's her fault that I've lost Jake. She's the reason he went into that goddamn mine in the first place.

I've not spoken much to the group since Hannah was found, Jessy isn't the same bubbly all smiles woman she used to be, it broke her heart when Richy told her what happened. Thomas is in his own world now Hannah is back he spends his days devoting on her. Just the thought makes me feel sick. Dan still sends me the odd message letting me know how Jessy is doing. He's been there for her since everything happened. He tells me she is getting better everyday. It makes me smile a little to know she's getting better. Lilly keeps in contact since that whole video. She's been making an extra effort to see how I'm doing. Cleo hasn't spoken much. She's been super busy with her new cake shop. I hear it's doing really well.

It's been 2 years since I talked to Jake. Looking at the last message he sent sends tears running down my face.

Jake: I love you MC
MC: i love you to Jake

I moved to duskwood for him so I could be closer to him, I thought we would get to spend the rest of our lives together. Now I don't even know if he's alive, been caught by the FBI. Hell I don't even know if he's managed to clear his name and he just can't tell me yet. I start to feel the anger build up inside me. I try holding back the tears from coming out but it's no use. I completely broke down. I feel myself falling apart at the seems I curl up in a ball on my bed. My eyes start to feel heavy and I find myself drifting off into a dream world.

MCs dream:

I wake up to the smell of coffee and pancakes cooking, a smile forms across my face, I get up and walk down the stairs to find Jake in the kitchen cooking breakfast. A warm feeling spread across my body. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. His scent is so intoxicating he spins me round our eyes to meet each other.

Jake: good morning beautiful
MC: morning my handsome hacker, breakfast smells so good
Jake: it's all ready, go sit down and I'll bring it over

I grab a cup of coffee as I go to sit down. My eyes travel back over to Jake thebway he moves everything about him is perfect. I love him so much. We sit down together and eat out food laughing and joking as we eat. After breakfast I help clear away the plates and wash up.

Jake: MC can you turn round
MC: What is it Jake?

I turn round and find Jake down on one knee holding out a small red box with the most beautiful ring.

Jake: Will you marry me MC?
MC: yes, yes I'll marry you Jake

Jake got up and put the ring on my finger. It was a perfect fit, I felt tears rolling down my face. They weren't sad tears, they were happy tears. I wrapped my arms around Jake and kissed him deep. We had to break the kiss so we could catch our breath. I looked deep into his eyes. I could see so much love in his eyes.

We decided to have a little celebration just the two of us, Jake got to get a bottle of champagne that he hid. I couldn't help but smile. Later that night we order Chinese and we have ourselves a romantic dinner just the two of us.

After months and months of planning the big day has arrived, I start to walk down the aisle. I see Jake standing there. I can't help the smile on my face as I get closer Jake starts to fade away. I tried running to save him but he disappeared out of nowhere. I hear a buzzing noise.

I get brought out of my dream tears running down my face once again, I look over and see it's my phone buzzing. I don't see the number clearly so I decline the call. I pull myself up off the bed and go downstairs. My phone starts to ring again. I don't bother looking and carry on making coffee out of nowhere there is a knock at the door.

I think about just ignoring it but whoever it is keeps knocking, I go to open the door I fall to the floor when I see who it is I can't control the tears. I forced myself to get up looking at the person in front of me. Is this just another dream? Is he really here?

Jake: I told you I'd come back for you
MC: Jake, I've missed you so much
Jake: I've missed you yo MC, I am so sorry I didn't contact you I had made a deal with the FBI and….

MC cut Jake off and kissed him deep both wrapping their arms around each other

MC: the only thing that matters is your back
Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you to Jake

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