Ring Toss

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Ring toss

MC had come to visit Jake. She sat on the end of his bed while he was glued to his computer "Jake I'm bored, come sit with me" no response came from the hood sitting at the desk. "Jake!! Answer me will you? Why ask me here if you're just gonna ignore me Jake!!" MC could feel herself getting frustrated so she threw an empty water bottle at Jake's head. "Ouch! What was that for" Jake turned round rubbing the back of his head. "I called you twice and you ignored me" Jake got up off his chair and sat next to MC. "I'm sorry MC I just needed to finish a program I'm working on"

Jake put his hand on MCs leg moving it slowly up to her thighs "you can't win me round just like that" MC mocked an angry face but failed Jake continued moving his hand up MCs thigh her legs starting to part on their own. "Maybe I can make you feel better" MC could feel the fire inside her. She wanted Jake to touch her so badly his finger ran over her wet panties, a moan escaping MCs lips. Jake leaned closer kissing MCs lips her hand ran over his hard cock that was fighting to get out. "I've got the perfect idea Jake" MC got up off the bed and grabbed a bag from the side. Jake looked at MC with a confused look but when she opened the bag his confusion changed to a grin.

"I know what you want to do lick the jam from the donuts off me" Jake sitting on the bed licking his lips. "No quite Jake, take off your clothes and lie down on the bed for me" with no questions asked Jake stripped off and lay down on the bed. His erection was now free and he was ready for whatever MC had in mind. "I'm going to stand here and for every donut I get over your cock I'll bite off with my teeth" Jake's eyes widened not quite sure how to take what MC was doing. MC threw the first donut landing it perfectly on Jake's cockc smiled as she landed the donut where she wanted it. "You always did have good aim" Jake playfully moved the donut up and down his cock with his hand.

"That's not allowed I'm gonna have to punish you now" MC put down the bag and went to get something. She came back with a pair of fluffy handcuffs and handcuffed Jake's hands to the bed. "Now the fun really begins" MC grabbed another donut and tossed it towards Jake's hardening cock. As it landed it banged against Jake's cock a bit of pre cum cam running down his cock. MC could her panties getting wetter and wetter she could feel her wetness running down her thighs.

She moved forwards and threw another donut onto Jake's erection; it rattled around his cock as it rested onto the three he had. MC walked over to Jake and she crawled over to his hard cock and took one of the donuts leaving two on him. "MC what a-are-you d-doing" MC had lowered herself onto Jake's hard cock slowly moving up and down hitting the donuts as she moved. MCs wetness dripping down Jake's cock "oh fuck!! That feels so good" MC leaned back slightly both her hands on Jake's legs as her boobs bounced up and down Jake reached his now free hands over to her nipples and started to play with each one.

The more MC bounced the jam from the donuts started to come out going all over Jake's groin. MC could feel her wetness pooling down her leg as she kept up her movements. Jake had his hands on his hips as she moved up and down. Out of nowhere MC stopped and got off Jake and walked over to the bag of donuts. "What's wrong MC why did you stop?" MC had a grin on her face as she threw a donut and landed on Jake's hard cock.

She came back over and rubbed the tip of Jake's cock on her entrance, slowly lowering herself back down and she started her movements once again. "Fuck!! MC" Jake's grip on MCs waist making her move even quicker. "Jakkkeee!!! Omg FFUUCCKK" MC hit her orgasam she could feel Jake filling her up as he lost control.

"Wow MC that was amazing" catching his breath he took hold of MCs hand, "we should definitely do that again that was so much fun" Jake chuckled at MCs comment knowing full well that she would want to try this again. "Next time we could do something with eclairs" Jake looked puzzled at her comment. "What are we going to do with them?" MC turned to look at Jake with a grin on her face. "I'm not sure yet but it's going to be fun finding out"

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