The Escape

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Jake: It's okay MC I've got you now everything is going to be okay I promise I'm getting you out of here.

3 days ago

Jake's POV

MC has been taken by one of my pursuers, they took her to get to me, they want me to come out of the shadows to save her. They are forcing my hand. I have to do something to save her. I see her tied to a chair with ropes wrapped around her wrists and ankles. They have beaten her. I see the cuts on her face and arms. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I have to come up with a plan that my pursuers can not discover. I need to do this off grid so they can't follow my trail.

I look up at the clock and it's 3am. MC has been gone for 24hrs now, I have not gotten any further in my search but I won't give up. I came across a lead that is very promising as I dig further I come across some information that will help me save MC. I use this information to my advantage. I let my pursuers know what I have found. They try to make a deal but I decline there is no way I will make any deal with them.

Day 2 MC has been taken. I am nearing my search. I have managed to locate MC to 3 possible abandoned warehouses I hack into the security system for each warehouse. I find the one MC is being held in. I can see that traps have been set up all around the building. I have to work out a plan and quickly i can't risk MC getting hurt anymore this should never have happened. I pull out my laptop and hack into the security system. Their system is so poorly protected it's child's play.

It's going to take me some time to deactivate all the traps and cameras, I keep the one camera put so I can keep an eye on MC and how she's doing. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It should be me sitting in that chair, not her. I always told her that life with me is dangerous but she still wanted to be with me no matter what. My mind starts to wander as I think about the first meeting we had. I took her to the Chinese restaurant across from where I was staying. I knew the moment I saw her just how much I am in love with her. Everything about her is perfect. We had such fun on our date. We talked for hours that night. That was when she told me she didn't want to leave my side.

I tried to talk her out of it but she had already made up her mind, she knew what she wanted who was i to stand in her way. I wanted to be with her and she wanted to be with me. I had always preferred loneliness but that day I sent her a message. My life flipped right around it was like it did a 180. She's the only one I allow to get close to me. Lost in my thoughts I was snapped out of them by a loud band coming from one of the back entrances. I see 2 large men come out and get into a car. I quickly check the camera and MC is still on her chair.

This is no time for looking back on past memories, I have to get MC out of there and I have to do it now. I work harder than ever to get the cameras and traps deactivated. It takes me into the next day to get them all down. Once I get them all down I work out my plan to get inside the building. I pull out my gun from my bag. I always swore to MC I would never use it only if I had no other choice. I know she will understand given what is happening I don't think she will question the use of the gun.

I break the lock off one of the doors with my bolt cutters, I make my way into the building carefully trying my best not to make any noise as I go. I pull out my phone to check the map of the building I am heading in the right direction. I just need to follow the corridor a bit further. I stop in my tracks as I hear voices coming towards me. I manage to hide in another room waiting for the voices to go. Once I know it is clear I come out from my hiding place and continue towards the door MC is in. As I get to the door I can see MC she has another cut to her head, blood running down her head. She's now in a bad way. I have to get her out of there now and get her to safety. It's now or never I have to do it now.

I take out my gun and manage to open the door without it making a noise, to the left of me is another room where 3 men are sitting playing poker. I could take them out now and be done with it, maybe that is my only option right now. I grip the gun and burst into the room taking all 3 of the men out in only a few shots. I leave them on the floor not giving them a second thought. I run over to MC and untie her from the chair. She falls forwards but I manage to catch her before she hits the floor. The blood is still pouring from the cut on her head. I take out one of my shirts from my bag and rip it up and place it on MCs cut. I manage to tie it around her head and thankfully it stays in place.

I get MC out of the building and into the car once I know she is far away from the building I take out my phone and tap a couple of things and the building goes up in flames. A simple little bomb I placed around the building I stood and watched the flames for a few seconds then run back to MC. I jump in the car and take MC to hospital. I make sure I take the cameras down before I enter. Normally I would never dream of entering a hospital but MC needs urgent medical attention. After MC received the treatment she was allowed to go home. I kept to the story that she was mugged on her way home. They seemed to believe it with the cut to her head. She is still a bit out of it so I placed her carefully in the car and drove to a different location, one I thought I would never have to go to.

On the drive to duskwood MC starts to come round, i take her hand and tell her how sorry I am for what happened. I was expecting her to be so angry but she wasn't. She just looked at me and told me how much she loves me. I see the look on her eyes full of so much love I couldn't help but smile. I tell her where we are going and a smile spreads across her face. I will never let anyone hurt her ever again. She turns to me one more time before closing her eyes and says 'I love you Jake' 'I love you to MC'

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