Have Mercy

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Have Mercy…..

Trapped tied to a chair the only sound MC could hear was dripping water hitting the floor a blind fold covering her eyes and a gag in her mouth. She wanted to scream for help but her words wouldn't come out. She felt the tears slowly running down her cheeks. The pain she felt in her wrists from where the rope was tied way too tight. She heard a door open a male voice could be heard from the door, the voice getting closer and closer. The male pulling her hair back so hard a little scream managed to escape her lips. The male voice whispered in her ear "Crying for mercy? Sweetheart, I stopped giving that out years ago."

The man moved in front of MC pulling off her blindfold and removing her gag from her mouth. "I don't know where he is" the man only laughed at her comment. He leaned in and whispered into her ear "Listen bitch I know you know where he is and you will tell me" the man stood up right and slapped MC round the face. Knocking her off her chair and hitting her head on the floor blood started to run down the side of her head.

The sound of the door opening again letting a little light into the room, a voice came from the doorway. "Boss the meeting is about to start" still hovering over MC not moving an inch away from her. "Matt come on we need to go" the voice boomed from the doorway again the name of the man hovering over MC had been huttered. Matt pulled MC up, placing the blindfold over her eyes and shoving the gag back into her mouth. MC was once left alone with her own thoughts thinking back to the time she spent with Jake.

MC's flash back
They had spent the perfect weekend together in a little cottage in the countryside, Jake had arranged everything, the cottage was so beautiful flowers hung around the door. Birds singing in the trees the sound of the water flowing down the stream. MC parked her car and got out, taking in all that surrounded her with a smile on her face she grabbed her stuff and locked the car. Making her way over to the door she slowly pushes it open and a warm smell of coffee hits her nostrils. A warm feeling spreads across her body as she puts her bag down and she walks further into the cottage. She stops at the kitchen doorway smiling as she sees Jake making coffee. Jake turns around and sees MC smiling at him he walks over to where she is standing and wraps his arms around her waist kissing her softly on the lips.

"I've missed you so much Jake I've dreamt about this moment for so long" Jake places kisses along MCs neck taking in every inch of her. "I've missed you to MC more than I can put into words" they both share another hug and a few kisses. "Why don't you go sit down and I'll bring us both a coffee over" MC kissed Jake on the lips then went towards the living area and sat down on the sofa. Jake brought over two mugs of coffee, setting them down on the table. "How was your journey up here?" Jake turned to MC so he could take her all in. "It wasn't to bad everything went just how I planned it now all I want to do is lay in your arms"

Jake smiled as he pulled MC towards him wrapping his arms around her, taking in her scent and her warmth. They both lay on the sofa talking about what they had both been up to since they last saw each other. "I really have missed you MC I promise things will get better" MC turned in Jake's arms to face him locking eyes with his bright ocean blue eyes. "I've missed you Jake, you told me what a life with you is like and I wouldn't change it. I love you" Jake held MC close to his chest kissing her on the head. "I love you to MC"

Jake was busy making dinner while MC was setting the table. She had found some candles in a drawer and decided to place them on the table. Taking a match she lit the candles giving a warm glow to the room. She went into the kitchen to see if Jake needed any help. "Everything smells so good. Do you need any help?" MC kissed Jake on the cheek, hugging his back. "It's okay dinner is now ready you go sit down"

Jake brought the food out and sat down next to MC, MC poured the wine handing a glass to Jake. They sat and talked about everything and anything when they finished MC took the plates into the kitchen putting them in the skin ready to wash. Jake came up behind her kissing her earlobe slowly moving down her neck. MC leaned her head back resting it on Jake's shoulder. "why don't we leave the washing up till morning I've got more pressing matters to take care of"

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