(Chapter I) - Undefeated

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Hello, Reader. Now, This is probably the most childish fanfic I've written... Ever, Considering that Camp Cretaceous is a show made for children. Which means it is a Show with flaws and Plot holes.. with Ups and Downs, with pros and Cons. 

Now Mind you, most of the Story will remain the same and Unscathed. The Only parts getting changed will probably be the Parts with the Main Character in it. 

Now, why do I Write this? Once again, I. am. Bored. So lets get this rolling. Main character is going to be a Varsity Basketball Athlete, like me. hehe. and the name of this chapter is pretty self Explanatory.. Bye. 


It was the Fourth quarter in the State Finals Championship, A Win here for Miles and his team, The 'Mustangs' could secure The Undefeated title. The First Ever, History could be made.  Every active player on the Court had their Adrenaline pumping. 

It was the Mustangs vs the Crusaders, the score was 76-71, Crusaders leading with 33 seconds left to go in the final quarter of the game. The Crusaders calling timeout after a 7-0 Run by the Mustangs. Mustangs coming off of a Fresh, Long Range 3 point shot By Miles Maxwell, which narrowed it to a 4 point game. On the Next possession, the Mustangs had to Foul and send an Opposing player to the free-throw line before they could run down the Clock. Number 4 on the Crusaders effortlessly makes both free throws, bringing the Total score to 78-71. 

Coach: Alright guys... 40 seconds left, You all played your hearts out, that's all I ask for, I'm so proud of what you all have accomplished this year, no matter what happens here,  Y'all made history. This is the first time this School has been to the State finals, EVER! That's an Accomplishment in itself. Now.. Do You want the Undefeated title? 

Everyone was Tired and Exhausted, Adrenaline Spiking, A Mix of Sweat and water dripping from their Chins and necks as they Listened as best they could, despite the Constant Cheering and Booing From the Crowd. They still Mustered any Remaining Energy they had to play their hardest.

Mustangs: YES COACH! 

Coach: Then y'all Go GET IT! 

Coach Puts his hand up, followed by the rest of the team who circled around coach in a huddle.

Coach: Mustangs on 3! Believe on 6!  1-2-3...

Mustange: MUSTANGS! 

Coach: 4-5-6...

Mustangs: BELIEVE! 

Coach called for the Starters, who had been playing Majority of the Game to finish it out. One of the Five Starters was Miles, who was running Point Guard, The Mustangs Inbound the ball to Miles, and he quickly takes it up the Court where he was met by a defender. Miles dribbles in and Out, which mixed the defender up enough for Miles to get in position. He calls for a screen, and tightly dribbles around it which opened space for a 3-point shot, Miles saw the defender closing out on him and fakes a shot, causing the defender to Jump in an attempt to block the shot. As He Jumped, Miles went into his Shot, bumping into his defender on the way up and drawing the foul, everyone present watched in either Awe and excitement, or disappointment as the ball miraculously found it's way into the basket off the backboard. Miles and his team screamed in ecstasy, as he was sent to the Free-throw line where he would knock down the Free-throw for an Extra point. The 4-point play by Miles brought the Crusaders Lead down to 3 points. The crowd Roared with Excitement, It was anyone's game.

With 24 Seconds Left to go the Crusaders, now in a panic called timeout. The Mustangs, along with the crowd favoring them gained hope... They Hydrated and really hoped for the best, Whatever strategies the Mustangs had cooked up had been destroyed and they had to Improvise. It was the Crusaders possession, They passed the ball around, making it very difficult for the Mustangs to foul. Finally, after a very exhausting 10 seconds, they fouled the Crusaders and sent them to the free-throw line With 16 seconds left. The Crusaders Made both free-throws, Bringing the Score to 80 - 75, stealing whatever Hope the Mustangs and their audience had left. The Mustangs called a final timeout to Hydrate. 

The next Inbound pass was on the Sideline, the ref blew the whistle, starting the 5 second countdown to inbound the ball. The inbounder looked around at his teammates Running All over the court in hopes to find an open Man, but nobody was open! The crowd is on their toes, as Miles quickly popped out with a defender hot on his tail, the inbounder quickly passes to Miles, as soon as he catches it, he jab steps and changes directions in the blink of an eye, causing the defender to fall to his knees gaining so's and ahh's from the crowd, opening a gap for Miles to shoot, and He does. Miles Knocks down the Shot and the Mustangs now only Trail the crusaders by 2 points. The Crusaders call their last timeout. Miles returned the hope to the audience and his teammates. 

The Crusaders Inbound the Ball on the Sideline as well with 11 seconds. They pass it in to their point guard, who Miles had locked down all game. He spins around his Defender, but before he can Drive down the baseline, he accidentally dribbles the ball off of his foot. In an Attempt to re-secure the ball he dives for it, but it was too late. Miles' teammate Secured the Ball and dished it to him. Miles Sprints Down the Court with the ball, now with 3 seconds left, Miles stops on a dime and shoots a 3 point shot over 3 defenders, two to his sides and one infront of him and hit's the Game winning shot with 1 second remaining. The Crowd Erupted, the Mustangs bench was Hyped, and the opposing team was pissed and disappointed. In the final second, the Crusaders shoot a Desperation Shot from Full Court, which missed everything and That was The Ball game. 

-Miles Narrating- 

I was offered scholarships from a few good colleges after that Game like DUKE and LSU. Mind you, I'm only a Sophomore  in Highschool. I still have letters of recommendation from a few Division 1 Schools over the course of the rest of the Year. But there was one that really caught my eye. It contained an sponsorship for a camp on Isla Nublar, and Me... heh, Silly me, thinking I deserved A vacation obviously chose that one.. I never liked animals, But something about Dinosaurs still really Intrigued me. Also, I had a Dinosaur toy growing up that I was attached to, so I thought it was also really fitting. So, I talked my mom Into Letting me go somehow, and now.. here we are, on a Giant, Yacht, with Nobody but a measly 6 campers besides me, and the yacht Pilot.. Or sailo- Whatever... Point is, This must have been some very private, and very Special Camp for kids with Special Talents to see the Worlds most Special Discoveries... 

Boy was I wrong.. 

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