(Chapter III) - Leadership

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As they Gate opens, Dave pulls Darius and Kenji out of the Raptor Pen before they got Mauled to death. one of the Raptors attempted to escape it's Enclosure, but it was held back by security with Large Shock Sticks. They Pushed it back, the Raptor had no choice back to back up, Shrieking and Roaring at the Guards in retaliation as the Gate Slowly but surely came to a close. Roxy looks towards me and Brooklyn, and Angrily trotted over to us. Me and her probably gulped in fear at the same time. She Grabs us by the Ear and drags us all the way to the front of the enclosure where Dave, Darius, and Kenji are waiting. Dave steps off to the side and Starts Puking. Roxy lets go of our Ears, Thank god. Me and Brooklyn slowly walked over the scene whilst holding our ears Like Tadashi and Hiro from Big hero 6.. Goated movie.

 Goated movie

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(Tadashi on the left, Hiro in the Middle, and Aunt Cass on the Right) Big Hero 6 was my Favorite Cartoon Growing up... God, time flies...

Roxy: Are you hurt? Is everyone all right?

Miles: Well...

Roxy looks over to me and Brooklyn holding our ears. She rolls her eyes, before noticing Kenji starting to slowly shuffle away from the scene.

Roxy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going? You, Darius and Miles are in big trouble. I--

Darius: But he- he was-

Roxy was enraged, and clearly wasn't buying into any Excuses. I didn't even Bother. Just stood there like an angry Little kid holding his ear, getting scolded by his mother for pushing someone too hard because he was getting beat up at school... yes.

Roxy: Save it! We'll decide what to do with you later. If you even get to remain here after a stunt like this.

Darius slowly looks down in shame. I Kind of feel bad for him. Look at that, I do have a heart. I place my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.


Kenji pops his lips, then he does it again, and again, and again, over and over. The only reason I haven't smacked him upside the head yet is because we are already in big time trouble, getting caught and all, fighting each other won't help at all, only make matters worse. However, Darius finally snapped.

Darius: How could You do something SO Stupid!?

Kenji: I-

Miles: And Idiotic. 

Kenji sighs. But keeps his high level of self-esteem.

Kenji: I do a lot of stupid things, you'll have to be more Specific.

Miles: He's asking why you, 1. Made Brooklyn Drop her phone, 2. Acted so Ignorant and didn't listen when we tried to warn your immature behind of something coming!

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