(Chapter VIII) - The Indominus rex

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-At the Observation Tower-

 "Aw, It's locked! Wow. Guess we can't get in." Ben said as he trotted back in the direction of camp. A vein attempt to convince everyone to head back. "We should all go back before someone comes along and we get in trouble."

"I... agree with Ben, we could get sent home if we get caught out here," Miles added, Ben gave him a grateful smile, surprised anyone would agree with him. 

"Wait, where is everybody?" Kenji questioned, making a good point. Everybody began to look around and noticed Kenji was right... for once. "There's usually someone around..." He added, scratching his head.

"Why question it?" Yasmina asked as she tried picking the lock with a... twig. 

"Because Yasmina." Kenji began with a sigh, emphasizing Yaz's name. "THERE IS USUALLY. SOMEONE. HERE!" He shouted, causing Yasmina to jolt back ever so slightly. Visibly surprised at him raising his voice.

 Kenji cleared his throat before apologizing and Miles sighed as a means to keep calm.

 "If we're doing this..." Brooklyn began, fidgeting the lock with a hairpin. "Then we might as well do this." She stated as the lock finally churns and unlocks the gate. "Ta-da!" Brooklyn exclaims, opening the gate and placing the hairpin back in her hair. Everyone looks toward her, surprised. "What? You didn't see my 'Unboxing Kathmandu' video, Hacks for When You Lock Yourself Out of Your Hotel Room?" She questioned in a proud voice. Everyone glanced to each other, thinking the same thing... 

"Last to the top is a rotten egg!" Sammy exclaimed. 

"Later Rotten egg!" Miles shouted, zooming past everybody in the blink of an eye and trotting up the first flights of stairs, Yasmina followed close behind, and then everyone else behind her. 

 Finally, Miles had reached the top, followed by Yaz a measly few seconds later. Sammy was the next to reach the end, followed by the rest of the campers. "Is anybody else hot? It is HOT." Sammy pants, fanning herself with her hand whilst leaning against the safety rail.

"No. More. Stairs!" Kenji groaned, dramatically laying on the stairs and resting his head at the final step, heavily panting. "There better be something good." He added before bringing himself to his feet.

"Y'all are weak," Miles commented with a cocky smile. He had his hands over his head and took deep and controlled breaths showing no signs of fatigue and recovering from the stair run swiftly.

Suddenly, the tower began to shake and rumble, provoking gasps from a few campers. A Distant roar was heard within the trees in the distance which brought everyone to the realization that the rumbles were footsteps. Everyone moved over to the guard rail to survey the noise in the distance.

"There's something out there..." Miles muttered as a mutual fear formed inside the campers, steadily rising higher with every earthshaking rumble caused by whatever mysterious Dino in the distance.

"Something big." After a few suspenseful moments of investigation, the campers sighed in relief after a brachiosaurus poked its head out of the trees. 

"Whew, It's just a brachiosaurus," Darius said, relieved it wasn't anything more dangerous.  

"Ooh! Mystery solved. Guess we should head back now?" Ben said, however everybody seemed to ignore him and kept looking out at the brachiosaurus. Miles, however, found something a bit suspicious, and so did Darius. 

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