(Chapter IX) Things Fall Apart

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-1 year ago-

"Good work, Kiddo." Miles' dad Charlie said through a gruff voice as Miles knotted his fathers tie. His father stood in a black tuxedo with a white shirt and Funeral 15's. "Who taught you how to tie a tie like that?"

"YouTube! I know you said to stay off it, but I thought if I used it for something productive..." Miles replied enthusiastically. His mother Mila stood beside them recording it so it would serve as a memory in the future. 

A melancholic look on her face as she fought to hold in her emotions in the moment and was silently sobbing joyful tears as she took took photos and videos of the moment, sniffling occasionally as her nose became slightly runny. 

"I.." Charlie couldn't get another word in before he became a sobbing mess as well. He sniffed and covered his eyes with his fingers. Mila came over and wrapped her arms around his and rested her head on his shoulder to console him. It was overwhelming to them both to know that that their days with each other were getting cut short.

"Don't cry, pops, we still got a year... hopefully." Miles stuttered as he spoke the last words of his sentence. Reminding himself that his time with his father, and best friend was wearing thin. That time would fly by in what would feel like 2 months.

"You're right, I just... feel a huge amount of regret, before I found out I was sick, I would spend all my time either at work or going out with the guys, getting wasted. I wasn't spending time with my family." Charlie replied, seeming to choke on his words. "I waited.. until I found out I was dying.. to start living." He quoted,  caressing Mila's cheek with his fingers Mila grabbed his hand and leaned her head into Charlie's hand to show her love for him.  Miles hugs Charlie, and Charlie pulls in Mila and they embrace in a tight group hug. "The two of you mind telling me where we're going?" He questioned with a sniff. Wiping away the remaining tears from his eyes with a thin tissue. 

"I told you, Dad, it's a surprise!" Miles replied. 

"Surely it can't beat you and the boys winning the state championship," Charlie commented, shooting Miles a grin. 

"Meh, the game will be more exciting, but this, I think this will be inspirational to you." Miles replied. Charlie nodded and said he couldn't wait. They had been talking about seeing Miles compete for the trophy at the 

Little did their dad know, Mila had bought tickets to go to one of Zach Sobiech's concerts, Charlie was inspired by Zach, who had a deadly bone cancer, which made it's way to both of his lungs and was terminally ill, like he was. But instead of giving up on life, he pursued songwriting, and wrote 2 songs in the time he had, 'Fix me up' and his hit song 'Clouds', and this concert was Miles' idea to make a lasting memory with his father. 

After they arrived at the theatre, they found seats in the middle of the audience. Surprisingly, there were probably 1000+ in the audience. Soon enough Zach made his way to the stage, and and the audience roared in support. He gave a heartfelt speech, and a quote that would inspire many.

"I'm sitting here, looking out at all of you..."  he began, the audience was courteous and quieted down right away. He took rasped breaths in between his words, which concerned a few in the audience. 

"I know that I'll be remembered as the kid who went out fighting... but didn't actually lose." He said, quoting himself. 

Charlie nodded his head in admiration, him and Miles and Mila clapped and cheered for the young inspiration, who began to stand. The audience began chanting his name "Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach!" And they followed along. He seemed to struggle a bit as he rose to his feet and adjusted his guitar in his hands. The audience quieted down again as he put he spoke into the microphone again, gripping it to support his balance.

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