(Chapter IV) - The Genetics lab

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-The Next Day-

We Drove over to a Giant Pile of Dinosaur Poop near the Camp. Roxy makes Kenji and Darius hop out to scoop it up as their Punishment. Dave tosses them Two shovels for the Job.

Roxy: Good luck cleaning this up, Boys! We're going to the Genetics lab.

Brooklyn snaps a Picture of the two. Ben... Vomits, again. Whilst Dave tosses Kenji and Darius a small bottle of cologne.

Dave: That'll help with the smell.

Miles: and the girls...

Dave snaps his fingers and points at you, it's like you read his mind.

Dave: Oh Yes, can't forget about the ladies!

I chuckled. Pointing back at dave and we both chuckled. The Girls on the Jeep cracked a smile.

Dave: But mostly the smell, the stench of Dinosaur Poo can really... uhh Linger.

Darius: What? But...

As we Drive Away, Kenji steps in some of the poop. Darius lowers his head and sighs. Soon, they're out of sight. I look over to Brooklyn who seems kind of Disappointed.

Brooklyn: ugh, I'm still dropping Followers? "When r we gonna see cool stuff?" Chill dude, I just got here.

Miles: So, what's your next video going to be?

She Shrugs, seeming a bit disappointed. 

Sammy: Ooh, maybe there are some baby Dinos in the lab, Everyone Loves a baby video.

Brooklyn: Whatever it is, It'll be cool.

I look over to Ben, who's rubbing hand sanitizer all over his arms and Legs, and Joyfully humming as he does so. He sees Yaz and me looking at him weirdly.

Ben:  What? it's Sanitizer. Who knows what kind of creepy Dino goo is at that lab? Gotta be ready for anything.

Miles: 'Dino goo'?

Ben: What? The world is a grab-bag of gross, and we're all just along for the moist, sticky roller coaster ride called life.

I gave a small laugh.

Miles: Thats... actually, you know what? That's actually kind of accurate.

Ben: Yeah?

Miles: For sure. I was talking to Kenji about growing up and Embracing responsibility, but I doubt he'll apply those things right away. He's one of those kids ya know? He needs to learn from experience.

Yasmina: You have great advice.

Miles: All you have to do is read, which nobody does nowadays.

Yasmina: Right.

Miles: Because many Books, and I mean GOOD Books, have So much GREAT knowledge in them,  and Knowledge? Knowledge is power.

Yasmina seemed so interested in my words. Then again, it's hard to be surprised. I am cute, and pretty knowledgeable if I do say so myself. Almost nobody in our society reads books, and that's where this Knowledge, and these life lessons come from. 

Yasmina: Um, What's your Name?

Miles: I'm Miles. You're Yasmina, Correct?

Yasmina: Yeah...

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