(Chapter X) - Help wanted

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Buckle up, this is a long one.


Walking... it was a dreadful thing. The campers came to realize that not even ten minutes into the hour. Step after step, right over left, left over right, one after the other, over and over. It was a cycle that seemed to never ever stop. 

The campers said nothing to each other, the fear of being heard by that abomination of a dinosaur kept their mouths sealed tight.

Miles' feet burned with an irritating pain from tying his shoe too tight during the starting minutes of the walk. His legs cramped; his hips were sore and a throbbing headache plagued his head like his brain was being used as a punching bag. 

But through it all, he pushed on, it was a little habit he picked up from running long distance in track. When your hurting is when you have to push harder. 

Miles was following the campers from the rear to keep an eye out from the back. Suddenly... a SNAP! cuts through the air.

Everyone jumped, yelped, or screamed in fright. Even Miles, who hadn't realized that Ben had slipped behind him.

"Sorry... I- I stepped on a twig," Ben said sheepishly with his hands held up in innocence. Everyone followed that up with either an annoyed, irritated, or angry response. 

"Ugh, come on, man," Brooklyn whined.

"You done gave me a heart attack!" Sammy complained. 

"Next time, I should step on you," Kenji said on his last nerve. 

"Ben, when the hell did you get behind me?" Miles groaned, clearly annoyed with the current predicament.

Ben sheepishly put his hands together, checking his watch. "uh, Maybe, a few minutes ago?" He shrugged, anxiously rubbing the back of his head. The fear couldn't be clearer than it was on his face. You wondered if he was scared of you but shook the thought away.

"It's okay, Ben. We're all on edge." Darius added, gesturing to the rest of the campers who had followed his lead the last hour. 

"And lost." Yasmina chimed in.  

"Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Darius, we are sure we're still headed towards the park?" Sammy asked wearily.

"Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklyn exclaimed angrily in a very condescending way.

 Miles rolled his eyes, though he could understand why she was so pressed to get her phone back; if she had her phone, she may have been able to get in contact with emergency services. But this is no way to go about it. 

Yasmina was quick to jump in, pushing Brooklyn away. "Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?" Yasmina said angrily a sarcastic tone that screamed irritation and annoyance. 

"You guys, you guys, you guys. Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?" Ben said, his fists balled up at his chest in fear. Yaz and Brooklyn ignored Ben and began to raise their voices, making everyone else uncomfortable.

Miles grabbed Yaz by the arm, "Stop!" You demanded, giving Yaz and Brooklyn a hard look.

"This is not the time or place to be having this petty fight. I don't know if you've noticed but there is a scary ass Dinosaur on the loose eating people, and if anything, your shouting might lead the damn thing right to us." Miles reasoned, his logic sound.

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