(Chapter VII) - Early Morning

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The next Morning I was the First up, Besides Dave and Roxy. The Sun was slowly rising over the Horizon, I think you call this time "Zero Dark-Thirty?" Whatever. Anyway, when I asked Dave and Roxie's permission to Cook Breakfast for everybody All they told me was to Not burn the camp to the Ground before they left to run errands. Fair Enough I suppose. I walked into the kitchen Yawning and rubbing my eyes. I open the Fridge and Pull out a Caprison. I also grabbed my Hoodie, My iPhone without asking, some ear buds, and Coincidently, they happened to have an Acoustic Guitar along with other instruments on an Indoor Balcony such as: Drums, Electric Guitar, and Piano. I Take the Acoustic Guitar with No hesitation and walk out to the Balcony to watch the Sunrise. The Cool, Brisk air blowing on my skin. Faint noises played as the Air flowed over the Guitar's Strings. Before I played the guitar, I listened to an Acoustic, instrumental version of to 'All of me' to my Delight.  

It was so majestic, I can't express how relaxing and soothing it is to watch the Sunrise and listen to this Delightful Music. I got goosebumps. A sense of clarity washed over me, The cool wind blowing softly on my face, the sun slowly rising into the dimly lit sky behind the Beauty of the trees, and the Tall Hills and Mountains in the distance. The sight of it took all my Worries and concerns, made me forget about all my aches and Pains. As the song neared it's end, (Skip or wait to 1:40) and the sun rose a little higher, I see someone walk up next to me on my right, I see none other than Yasmina, Yawning and rubbing her groggy eyes. Her naturally Black hair was let down to her shoulders and gracefully flowing with the soft, cool wind.

(Do you guys ever see a girl with her hair let down and think it just looks SO much better than another Hair style she's had? Or is that just me? I must naturally prefer all natural)

Yaz and I glanced at each other for a brief moment and waved each other Good morning. She Brushes her hair out of her eye and looks back up at the sunrise. I smile and do the same. A few birds fly overhead and Chirp as the Song ends, I take a deep breath of the Fresh Air before I grab the guitar and sit down on the nearest bench surrounding the Ashy Fire-pit. Yasmina watches out of curiosity. The Sun was now shining Brightly and was fully risen.

Yasmina: Do you play guitar? 

I look up to her with a smile, 

Miles: Do you want to find out? 

When those words left my mouth, I caught her interest. She walked over and sat beside me eager to hear whatever I played.

Miles: I've been practicing this cover song for, 'The One'. Whoever that may be... 

She giggles, followed by a small smile. Now I Decide to let her hear this Masterpiece of a song. Now, what I decide to play, Well let's just say it's...

The PERFECT song cover!  (Lol.)

(Press play) As soon as I began playing the first few notes, I could tell by her face that she was impressed by the skills I possessed.  Her eyes widened with surprise as her lips slightly separated from each other, letting a small gasp escape her breath.

(Skip or wait to 0:35) She started to lightly tap her feet to the beat on the Cool wood, I noticed this and smiled at her fondness for the music that I played. As I played on and on, the sunlight shone brightly on us. It was beautiful. I played one or two notes off-tune and squinted each time.

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