(Chapter VI) - The Cattle Drive

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-The Next day- 

Dave and Roxy took us to one of the Dinosaur's Herding Fields. When we arrived via the Camp Jeep, Gyrospheres were waiting for us. The Campers were obviously excited. Dave and Roxy said we were doing some kind of "Cattle Drive". Before everyone separates into duos, except me, I'm driving a Solo Gyrosphere. Roxy and Dave give everyone an ear piece to stay in communication. 

Roxie: Everyone, we'll be on channel Six!  

Darius: Yes! 

Sammy: This is gonna be so much fun! 

Kenji: Oh, man! I'm driving. 

Miles: We get to drive gyrospheres? SWEET!! 

Dave: Saddle up, dudes and dudettes. We're going on a cattle drive, but with dinosaurs! It's a dino drive!

Ben just had one little question..

Ben:  And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right? 

Everyone looked to Dave expecting an Answer. 

Roxie: Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so we're, like, 99 percent sure they're cool. 

Miles: A little? 

Ben whimpers. 

Roxie: Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd.

Darius: Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam! 

Kenji: You may wanna consider a new jam, bro. 

Miles: Kenji, shut up. 

I joke, He just smirks in response. 

Kenji: So, uh, you sure these things are waterproof? Looking pretty grim out here and hair this awesome does not come easy.

Dave:  Your hair is gonna be fine, Kenji. Storm has already moved up the coast away from us. 

Kenji: Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do. 

Roxie: No way! You are riding with Ben, as a passenger.

I Burst into Laughter at Kenji's misfortune.

Kenji:  But- Seriously? But he's so, uh... 

Ben cautiously touched the steering stick and the gyro sphere shot forward, and Ben didn't have the seatbelt on so Naturally, he shot forward and face planted into the glass in front of him

Ben: Whoa! *grunts and groans* 

Kenji: Live it up, tough guy. 

Kenji: Why can't I drive That solo one? 

Kenji Points to the one with only one seat.  

Roxie: We planned that one for Miles, but if he's okay with it, I suppose I will allow you to Drive it yourself. 

Kenji: Yes! 

Roxy: But so Help me Kenji, if he agree's, I'm trusting you won't get in the way of the Herd. 

Kenji nods in response, clearing Holding in his excitement. Then he runs over to Miles, who was preparing to enter his assigned Gyrosphere. 

Kenji: Hey uh, Miles, Miles! 

Miles: What's up? 

Kenji: Do you think maybe I could...

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