(Chapter V) - The Cutie and the Beast

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Darius: We thought it'd be fun...

Fire was crackling as the wood Burned from the Inside out. 

Darius: We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island. Claws... Teeth... Screaming...  So much screaming.

Ben:H- How much screaming? 

Ben was scared as a Bunny seeing Crocodile Slippers for the First time.

Kenji: Shh! He's getting to the good part.

Darius: The T. rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide. a- 

A camera flash momentarily blinded Darius and cut him off. 

Brooklyn:  What? Huh? For the vlog. Keep telling your little story. 

 Darius sighs as he flips his hoodie over his head.

Kenji: Oh, here we go. The T. rex sta-

Brooklynn: Dang!

Kenji: Ugh!

Brooklyn: Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?

Brooklyn leans over to show Sammy her Selfie.

Sammy: Ooh!

Darius:  Maybe I should start over. 

Ben: No! In fact, you can just stop.

Miles: Jesus Ben, chill. 

Kenji: He's not even telling the story right now, And how is your grip this strong?!

Darius: So, the T. rex stalked- 

Sammy: Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story...

Darius flops backward onto his back, now laying on the Bench he was sitting on. I chuckle softly before looking over to Yasmina, she appears to be drawing in her Sketchbook, Holding it over the ledge. Which is actually pretty dangerous for that sketchbook. I shrug.

Miles: Maybe she wants to be by herself.

Sammy stares at me like I'm an Alien from another planet.

Sammy: I don't understand. 

Kenji: You know how some people just want to be left alone? 

Sammy bursts into laughter. Only then I realize that she actually wasn't joking. 

Sammy: I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends. 

Suddenly, we Hear thunder, and in the Blink of an Eye, rain comes pouring down. 

Kenji: Maybe we should go inside. 

Ben: Way ahead of you!

Brooklyn: Hurry! 

Kenji: Aw, man! 

Sammy: Oh, it's coming down fast. 

Everybody but me and Darius rush back inside.

Brooklynn: Well, that was a waste of time.

I hear Darius scoff as he sits up.

Darius: Thanks, Brooklynn. 

More Thunder crashes as Darius throws his Hoodie over his head to shield himself from the heavy rain. 

Miles: Don't sweat it. 

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