(Chapter XI) - Eddie

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Miles was flooring the accelerator, but to everyone's displeasure, the Indominus was slowly but surely closing the gap between you, it had everyone on the edge of their seat. 

"It's Gaining! GO FASTER!" Sammy pleaded looking back and forth between the Road and the Indominus. 

"It won't go any faster!" Miles yelled back, glancing at the MPH dial. It was a little over half speed, which wasn't at all a satisfying velocity, nor was it enough to get away from the murderous carnivore. 

"Shift gears, you're in Neutral!" Yasmina pointed out, making Miles feel slightly stupid. 

"Right," he mutters, quickly shifting the gear into drive. The Engine roared and the car accelerated faster, a bit too fast. Miles lost control of the car and hit the brakes while twisting the wheel to the left, all with his eyes closed. When he opened them, he was mid-drift, narrowly avoiding another tree. 

The Indominus snapped at the Van again as Miles made the sharp turn, slid to a stop, roared, and then continued its pursuit. Despite the increase in speed, the Indominus was still gaining, the spit and drool splattering on the window with each of its roars. Bumpy bellowed, the campers screamed and cried out in fear, and this situation was a mix of chaos and disfunction.

As the Indominus was in range to strike, Yasmina lunged forward at the wheel and forced it left, the van veered, everyone leaned, and before Miles knew it, the van was going over a small decline in the land. The sensation of it was like going on one of those drop rides at an amusement park, except ten times less thrilling, one hundred times more dangerous. 

Upon landing, the van gained momentum and bounced up after driving over rocks. Everyone bounced and screamed in their seats as the Van drifted down a small dip and came to a stop on a tree.

Miles was frozen in shock, breathing heavily, processing the events that just transpired. Everything happened so fast. "Are we... Are we still alive?" Darius managed, breathing hard.

"I don't know... I'm still processing what the hell just happened." Miles replied. 

"Where do we go now?" Yasmina asked, her breaths labored. 

"How about the genetics lab?" Ben suggested, pointing through the windshield. Everyone looks and sees it, then looks back to Ben with "wtf" looks. Ben simply grinned and shrugged, "It's a gift." 

The entrance to the building was left wide open, likely due to emergency protocol or whatever, and inside was nearly all dark. The only light coming from red emergency lights. Miles took one look inside and turned around. "Nope. I'm not going in there." 

"Why?" Darius asked, his eyebrow raised. 

Miles raised his eyebrow back at him, "Dude, are you sure you're black? You never walk into a dark building." 

"Well yeah, not by yourself. We'll be fine as long as we stick together." Darius concluded, stepping past Miles and into the building. Miles sighed as the rest of the campers brushed past him, however, Yaz stopped, a soft, reassuring smile on her face. 

"Scared of the dark, Miles?" She teased. 

"Maybe a little, too many horror movies will do that to you," Miles replied with a soft chuckle. Yaz nodded in understanding.

"Well, I guess we are kind of living one right now, huh?" She asked, grabbing his wrist and tugging him inside. "Darius was right. We'll be fine as long as we stick together. Come on, we don't want to lose the others."  After a little more tugging Miles, smiled and gave in.

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