(Chapter XII) - Indominus Escapade

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Gosh I'm tired, just wanted to finish up this episode rq, enjoy.


The campers fled into the jungle, the Indominus roared behind them, they couldn't see it, but Miles knew it would be on the hunt for them. Eventually, they came across a yard with large containers and barrels, likely containing extra unimportant supplies. Beyond those was a large metal fence that made each camper frown.

"Oh, come on, Are you kidding me!?" Darius stomped, looking up, down, left, and right, at the fence.

"Oh, How convenient," Miles muttered sarcastically, putting his hands on his head.

"Right?" Kenji agreed, balling his fists up in anger. "Because of course we run into the park's ONLY INTACT FENCE!" he shouted, slamming his fists on the metal border. The Indominus roared again, this time louder. It was getting close. The campers hastily found cover and hid behind a patch of small trees and rocks. Yasmina looked down at Ben, her eyes filled with fury as Ben hugged Bumpy close.

"Ben, I told you she'd get in the way. If it wasn't for her, I could've made the van!" She shouted at him, provoking a bellow from Bumpy. 

"Bumpy saved your life Yaz, you would've been eaten if it wasn't for Bumpy." Ben shot back hugging his pet dino.

Miles put his hand over Yasmina's shoulder, "He's right. Bumpy saved both our lives." He said with a calmness that belied the anger inside Yaz. "Because had you not tripped, we both likely would have gotten eaten with Eddie." 

Yaz scoffs, then sighs as Miles removes his hand from her shoulder.  "Whatever." She said quietly,

"Yaz, I know you want me to get rid of Bumpy, but... I can't do that. I won't abandon her like we were." Ben reasoned, placing his head on Bumpy's thick, turtle-like shell.

 "He's right, we're on our own," Darius added, hopefully helping everyone realize the gravity of the situation if, for some reason, they haven't already. The Indominus roared again, confirming Miles' suspicions. 

"It's tracking us." Miles inferred, moving over to Darius and peeking over a rock next to him, we both see the Indominus pass through the Yard. It's getting closer. The beast turns and faces the opposite direction, sniffing the air. Miles looks around for any way to get out of here discreetly, his eyes eventually landing on another van. He nudges Darius and points to it, "Look." Miles whispered, "That's our ticket out of here."

Darius nods before looking back at the campers and signaling them to go. Miles and Darius walk side by side, trailed by the others as they maneuver their way around a stack of containers. Miles put his back to it and peered around, the Indominus was there, but its back was turned. Miles slowly stepped out and tip-toed toward the next stack of containers a few feet away. Miles looked back and nodded to Darius, "Go." He did, and the rest of the campers followed behind. 

Brooklyn seems to freak out as she brushes past you, "It saw me, It saw me,  I think it saw me!" She quietly gasped with fright. The deafening roar of the Indominus proved her right. Everyone continued and rounded the corner as the Indominus broke through the gap, investigating where they previously were.

Miles had slid behind some barrels with Ben and Bumpy to avoid being seen. The Indominus sniffs, getting closer to its prey. Darius thought quickly and heaved a rock in the distance, which bounced off some barrels with a loud, metallic clang. Miles slowly peered over the barrel as the Indominus walked in the opposite direction of the campers. Despite being an immense predator, its hunting skills were quite lousy. Miles used the opportunity to regroup with the others behind another container.

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