Dear old dad

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Quick authors note: couldn't leave you with too many happy chapters in a row muah ha ha. This is one of the series specials I was talking about. :))

Tyler Galpins POV:

Ever since I was brutally humiliated by a hair dyed werewolf and one socially awkward short emo girl, my mind has been set on revenge.

Of course I escaped the prison truck, the police don't have the capacity to deal with supernatural beings. It also helps that the authorities don't know about our existence.

Not only did I escape, but my mother reached out to me that very same night. Turns out she was banned from Nevermore 30 years ago because she went on a killing spree when her Hyde was unleashed. The school didn't even try to help her, they just banned my species entirely.

Guess killing humans goes against their code of conduct, yet the schools precious vampires can suck normie blood and hypnotize humans so they don't know what happened. How is that fair? Spilled blood is still spilled blood.

My mother has wanted revenge on that school for years, but wouldn't do it when I could get caught in the crossfire's.

Oh and one more thing: I have a twin brother. Turns out my mother and father had an arrangement before she left for good. My father would raise me, and my mother would raise Griffin (my brothers name).

The sad thing is... my father still loves her after all these years. It's such a shame he still refused to tell me what happened. She was pregnant with Griffin and I when she attacked those people, so she had to go on the run right after we were born.

I definitely got my bloodlust from my mother. She's been attacking and stealing from normies for years under the large category of 'bear attacks.'

These past few months I've been reconnecting with my family and planning how to destroy Nevermore once and for all. Last night I finally showed my face on the school's grounds again. I thought Wednesday was there grave digging but I guess she saw me and ran off.

I'm ready to kill that girl for good, and her annoying little wolf friend.

I can't believe there was a time I actually thought I liked that girl. Laurel Gates showed me the truth about her and everyone else in that school.

"Hey Griffin, I think I'm going to pay my father a visit. Want to meet your old man today?"

"Yeah sure, let's go."

I grab my coat and head off with my brother down to my old house. My dad was ready to throw me in jail the second he saw that those attacks were mine. Even still, I'm not sure I could ever kill my father.

Another bonus of living with my mom is I get to drive her motorcycle. I take the loud vehicle and board it, putting my helmet on as my brother sits behind me.

"You excited to meet him?" I yell backwards, towards griffin.

"Yeah kinda! I wanna see who you grew up with all these years."

I press my foot on the gas, feeling the wind against my skin as we take off. My mother doesn't baby me, we get along well and she truly understands what it's like to live with the Hyde inside of you. Constantly having a craving for murder.

It's exciting to look at the blood on your hands, knowing you have power over people.

The wind whips against my face, breathing in the crisp autumn air as I cruise over to my family home. His car is parked in the drive way, looks like he's home.

Griffin and I hop off of the bike, walking down my old houses pathway.


The door opens and I watch my fathers face grow pale, attempting to close the door quickly. I put my foot in between its closing, he isn't getting out of this.

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