I Am Strong

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Enid Sinclair's POV:

Sleeping it off has made things abundantly clear: I'm weak. I was so afraid of myself after hurting Wednesday a few months ago, but I'm still that good for nothing wolf I was last year... and every year before that. I want to be different, I want to be brave, and strong, and all of the attributes a Sinclair should have, but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do things right, know which side to take, or who to save.

"Wens... Wensss," I chant, subtly shaking my girlfriend awake, jeez our sleep schedules are really messed up, "Wednesday, my mothers still on the property," I whisper, hoping it catches my girlfriend's subconscious attention.

She sits up, grabbing two knives from her pants and raising them to a fighting stance, "I'll be back then," she states, unweaving herself from my grasp as I slightly pout from the lack of contact.

My sass kicks in, "Mhm, so you'll wake up to torture my mom but not stay with me? How thoughtful," I say, frustratedly pulling her towards the makeshift bed again as I stare at the two daggers, "Were you sleeping with knives on your body? My love, my legs were wrapped around you, what if a knife pinched me, or worse what if it nicked you?!" I exclaim, now worried about potential injuries.

I use that as an excuse to start looking over her body for any potential injuries. However, she seems to see through my non verbal excuse as she raises her eyebrows knowingly at me. I can't help but smile after registering that Wednesday is still wearing my pink pajamas.

She seems unamused, "Hence the garter, they are concealed unless I take them out of their holster's." She then strikes a confused glare, placing one of the knives down as she rubs her eyes, "If not for torture, why did you wake me up?"

"Well, for starters, it's 4pm and we still haven't eaten breakfast, and two, I wanted to show you the obstacle course my family owns about a mile west from here. I want to train!"

A dark gleam of hope wells in her eyes, "Can we bring your mother there? I can train my new methods of torture."

"Uhhh, how about we fitness train, then you can totally do whatever you want."

"Let us go then," Wednesday says, already starting to fix her braids, "Wait, where are my clothes from yesterday? I'd like to get out of this colorful cloak as soon as possible. It is feverishly bright and all I see when I look down."

"Oh, I don't know, maybe we left them in the upstairs bathroom? I can check for you."

Before I have the chance to go upstairs, my dad walks in the living room, carrying a pair of black clothes freshly washed and folded.

"Oh, good afternoon girls, I was going to let you sleep in since yesterday was a long night. How are you two holding up?" My dad asks eagerly.

I begin, "I think I'm okay, how about you, Wens?"

"I'll be better once I put Ester in her place personally. Mr. Sinclair, would you mind telling me where she is being held? Also, I suppose I should express my gratitude, you kept Enid safe last night... Thank you," she mutters under her breath.

"Any time! I want to discuss house rules, maybe over breakfast? I made toaster waffles for your brother's earlier, I can make some for you and Wednesday if you like, or maybe some eggs?"

"Only if you want to, dad, I know Wednesday doesn't really like sugar, so eggs would be great! And uhh, what house rules?" I ask shyly, afraid of what he'll say.

"Oh, nothing much, just rules for you and your siblings when you have partners over. I guess it's silly since you're roommates, but in my house, if you could just keep the door to your room open, or sleep down here, that would be great!" he says with a genuine smile, "Oh, and Wednesday, i'd like to officially welcome you to the family!" He shouts, holding his hand out for Wednesday to shake.

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