All Aboard!

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AN: hehe chapter 69, nice!

Wednesday Addams POV:

Have you ever been somewhere so right, it feels as natural as the air you breathe? Well, that is currently the scenario I am in. My body doesn't know how to process the affection, so I just lie here, motionless like a doll, holding her until it appears my eyes are opening again.

I spy the morning sun peeking its overpowering light through the corners of the curtains. A rude reminder that the day must begin. I sit up, slowly uncurling myself from her gentle warmth as I rub my eyes. I pack my suitcase for the final time before reaching our long awaited destination of the Bermuda Triangle.

"Enid," I whisper, shaking her gently so Bianca doesn't throw another fit.

"Let me die here for five more minutes," she moans, placing a pillow over her head to block any further attempts to wake her.

I lift the pillow up, catching her blue eyes shining in the sliver of light between the shadow of curtains, "There will be no dying on my watch unless I do the killing... not on you of course."

"Did last night really happen or was that just a dream?" She asks, sitting up before tugging on her IV, "Yup, definitely wasn't dreaming."

"Would you prefer it to have been a dream?"

"No... Other than maybe the whole staby stab part" she giggles, motioning her arm like shes stabbing the air, "Though I don't know what this means exactly. Are we.. Um." She pauses, getting out of bed and searching for appropriate travel attire; blatantly trying to prolong whatever she is clearly dying to say. It seems she has left the question dangling in the air like a witch during the Salem Trials.

"Are we what, Enid?" I ask, truly not understanding what the cotton candy haired girl is insinuating.

"Are we dating again?" She squeaks out, the heat on her cheeks growing redder with each passing moment of silence.

"I suppose we did just spend an entire night being each other's personal heater once again. It was excruciatingly... pleasant. Even though I don't fully understand your arrangement with Adam, I do know I will always be able to exceed him in all of your... Partner requirements. You simply deserve the best, and I'm the only person who can guarantee that, so I suppose it's only right that things fall back into place. As long as you cut things off with him."

She takes a big gulp, "Wednesday, it's not that easy. I'll have to run everything by the record label and attempt to coordinate a social media suitable breakup that will optimize both of our futures. I have never had anything romantic with Adam. I promise, but I can't break up with him publicly yet."

"Or we take the easy solution. You forget about the media, and break it off with him now. It is of no relevance to the public. They should not dictate your actions."

"One wrong move and a scandal breaks out and suddenly violent mobs want to break down my door. Cancel culture is no joke, Wens, and since everything happened really fast with my singing career, I can't afford any mistakes. I can tell Adam I'm dating you, and all my friends can know, I just can't do PDA with you in public yet. Not until we plan out our breakup responses."

"Cancel culture? PDA? I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain. I promise I want to be with you, just give me a week to sort everything out. Private, not secret, okay? And I'll explain PDA another time." Her cheeks glowing red once again.

The situation is not ideal. Obviously. It is, quite frankly, less than satisfactory. So my insides tell me to reply 'no, it is most definitely not okay'. Which would be justified.

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