Firmiliar face

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Wednesday Addams POV:

It's been 9 days since the encounter with Enid's mother. It seems she has disappeared, leaving Enid with no choice but to get a job, she's been cut off entirely from her monthly allowance. I've offered to give her any money she needs but my girlfriend refuses, not wanting to take what's mine.

She has gotten a job at the diner we went to, she works every other day after school is over. I've seen less of Enid lately but it increases the excitement when we do actually see each other. My favorite part of every day is waking up and sleeping next to her, she's the first and last image I see each day.

Lately I've been reading more of the journals from the nightshade archives. I've told Enid about a few creatures from my studies and then she goes on a splurge, wanting said creature as a pet.

Right now her obsession is over a creature called blobulous molderion. Pretty much a gelatinous tiny creature that stays by your side once tamed, can be trained like a dog but the creature needs to like you first. Sadly they live in isolated areas and are extremely rare to find.

It has also been a while since I've seen Bianca last. I've heard she is busy helping launch her mothers rise to be the next mayor. Such silly quests for power, but I suppose it makes sense for the siren to seek it.

I'm currently picking up Enid from work, then heading to go shopping with the girl. We will be searching for something called a 'couples costume' since Halloween is right around the corner.

Halloween is yet another holiday the normie's use to make fun of outcasts and marketize candy, the only perk being the excuse to instill fear.

Maybe I can also convince Enid to go to a haunted house with me, Ive always wanted to befriend the clowns and zombies but my parents have never let me go to one, claiming a prison would be better suited for my interest in psychopaths.

I go into her area of work, checking the clock to make sure I've arrived on time.

"Wednesday! Thank you for picking me up!" My girlfriend says, rushing over to me while taking her apron off and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"How was work?"

"Eh, it was fine. Ooh, it was pretty funny when a group of guys tried to flirt with me earlier. I got a great tip from them too! 40 bucks from one table, at this rate I'll double what I got from my monthly allowance." She beams.

"They were flirting with you?"

"Oh, don't worry wens, it's not like I entertained them, I was just nice enough to get the tip."

"I will find where they live and end them."

"Ma chérie, I love you but they are harmless. Please don't hurt anyone." She pleads before giving me a proper kiss.

If it happens again with these boys I will check the security footage and find them. I'm very protective of Enid.

We walk hand and hand into a little shop called spirited Halloween, maybe they have some lost souls I can study.

Nope, all I see are costumes and fake blood. Why would anyone need fake blood? Our bodies are filled with the actual good stuff. I'm imagining if our cafeteria served fake blood instead of from animals, the vampires would be infuriated.

I walk up to the cashier, she seems to be around my age. She reapplies her lipgloss as she looks up at us.

"Excuse me, do you know where the couple's costumes are?" Enid asks.

"Ooh, are your boyfriends looking for anything specific? If not the men's costumes are on the left side and the scream masks are sadly sold out. I'd check out isle six for yourselves though, thats where all the most scandalous costumes are. I picked out mine a few days ago. If you need any help let me know! I bet your boyfriend's are lucky guys." She says with a smile.

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