Little family

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This is the result of writing with a dark academia playlist for the first time... I'm sorry in advance. Fr, read with caution.
Tw: Self Harm

Enid Sinclair's POV:

I'm lying in Wednesday's arms. She is the one person who truly feels safe to me. These woods are tainted with memories of slaughter. Now I wish to create new, happy memories in their place.

One of the many things I love about Wednesday is she never takes advantage of my vulnerability. I know if I was to suddenly strip down in the middle of the forest while I was with Ajax, he'd try to kiss me, but Wednesday understands how to read me. Her grip on my emotions is so strong that sometimes her understanding is better than my own.

Our one goal is to ensure this night goes smoothly, with her by my side I'm sure nothing will go wrong. I hug her tightly, my muscles relax for the first time all day. I've been in so much pain, it's a breath of fresh air to have the throbbing subside for a moment.

My body goes through another intense wave of pain, as if a million needles are poking every one of my nerves. My claws dig into her skin, I feel sticky warm liquid coat my fingers as my head jerks back.

Oh my God, I hurt her! My breath becomes ragged as my body malfunctions, I pull myself out of her grip so I can finish my transformation without any more pain inflicted on my girlfriend. Now I'm realizing that my harsh tug has scratched up her shoulder. I stumble backwards, turning around as I begin to run.

I hurt her! I can't believe I laid a hand on her. Fuck fuck fuck fuck...

I stare down at my red hands, terrified of what I have accidentally done. Wednesday is my safe place and what do I give her in return? Oh yeah, a thousand reasons why she will never be able to feel safe or trust me.

This forest is cursed I'm sure of it. Everything around me is blurry as I continue running with swollen eyes. The blood on my hands smears as I round a corner.

Will Wednesday ever forgive me? What if her wound gets infected or she falls into a coma like what happened after the Hyde attack? Should I turn back and take her to the nurse?

Right when I think I can go back and find Wednesday, my body finishes turning. The fur rips out as I land on all fours, body weight multiplying as I feel the earth on the pads of my feet.

Finally, being stuck in the in-between is awful. My paws ricochet off trees while I pick up speed, running even faster than my countless thoughts.

Nothing scares me more than happiness and for good reason. When things go too well, something changes as life collapses around me. I'm finally caught up in school but work is tiring. I know Wednesday offered to help with the expenses but I don't want her money. I need to earn it myself, it's not her problem, it's mine.

My mother has cut me off from my entire family, every time I try to text an aunt or uncle, their messages show up as green instead of blue and I know they have iPhones. I'm giving my energy to my blood family who probably doesn't deserve it. No matter what, I will always show them my bubbly side, I want to see their smiles and make people laugh, but lately, this constant bubbly persona has been draining.

Now I've personally destroyed what little left I call home. The foundation is demolished, oh God, if I scratched Wednesday's artery she could be bleeding out! I change directions at this realization, hoping I can find the girl. I pick up her scent from the wind, I smell her but I still don't see her. I chase the scent for a while until I see drips of blood heading out of the woods and onto campus.

She has to be safe by now. I hope she is okay. I sulk back into the forest, howling at the moon as the other wolves join in. Everywhere I look I am reminded of the night I almost died: vision coated in blood, leaves were falling, the feeling of losing consciousness from blood loss, my heart beating directly into my open wound, pulsating intensely until I felt everything fade to black.

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