Morals? Whats that?

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Tw: violence, dark thoughts, manipulation, Wednesday being a homicidal maniac :))

Seriously though. Wednesday is dark here. I don't condone violence or murder. This is PURELY AN ACT OF FICTION!!!!

'Enid' Sinclair's POV:

I did it. I broke up with her. I guess I'd rather be the villain in everyone's story if it means she's still alive.

Weirdly, I feel nothing. No sadness or fear, absolutely nothing.

I go into autopilot. I've handed the steering wheel controlling my body to someone else. They feel familiar, yet distant, as if they were a hidden part of me recently let loose.

This is nice. Not needing to do anything, just watch from the sidelines as my body takes care of the hard stuff.

Ooh, it's like that song from "High School Musical" called 'When There Was Me and You' except I'm actually watching myself from a window, or... a freakishly long hallway? I don't actually know where I am, but it's really cozy here.

I could fall asleep right now too. It's colorful and bright, exactly how I imagined my mind to look. I could even hibernate like how those cute little bears do every year.

My autopilot walks back to the group with their eyes bulged out as if they or 'I' have seen a ghost.

It's weird thinking about myself in the third person, but that's what this feels like. It's an 'out-of-body experience.' I guess I can check that off my bucket list.

I'm not needed anymore, I'm sure my body's got everything under control. I'm just so tired. I've been feeling weaker and weaker every day. I think it's finally time I get some rest...

Yeah... I think I'll just take a nap here. I'll be okay. So soft. So warm. So...


Narrators POV:

"Enid? What happened?" Bianca rushes up to Enid, wiping away the girl's tear-stained cheeks.

"I broke up with Wednesday. She told me to apologize to you, she's going to make the world burn or something."

"Wait, why would you two break up?" Bianca asks, "I literally look up to you guys since your relationship is perfect."

'Enid' brings both of her arms up, rubbing the back of her head, "You wouldn't understand."

"Is that a MorningSong bracelet?" Bianca asks, pulling 'Enid's' arm towards her as she lifts up her sleeve, "Enid, I'm sorry but you just ruined everything with this. Yoko, keep your eyes on her. Enid's stupid bracelet just sold us out. My mother probably knows everything by now."

"What do you mean?" 'Enid' asks, expressionless.

"You're connected to her. I bet that's why you broke up with your girlfriend. Dumb, dumb girl. Shit! Now I have to stop Wednesday before she tries to take over the world or something."

Wednesday Addams POV:

As a general society, humans fear murder but very few fear staircases. People fall and die from stairs all the time.

And as a general society, humans fear hate but all welcome the idea of love. People die at the hands of that disguised poison all the time.

Here's the thing: There's a very thin line separating love from hate.

Love takes work. It takes patience and kindness, understanding and compassion. Screw that. Hate is much more fun.

Hate is chaotic and unending. Hate is the tornados we run from. Hate doesn't leave you when things are good. Hate is who I am.

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