Road Trip (Part 2)

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Wednesday Addams POV:

I awake to a sea of blond and waves of pink and blue. It smells good. Wait- too good. Enid good. I become hyper aware of my limbs, making me realize I have attached myself like a leech onto my ex-girlfriend. She is still peacefully sleeping, as though we're back at Nevermore. I could spend a few more not-so-dreadful moments like this, but then again she could wake up, realize the new sleeping arrangements, and hate it. Hate me. So I choose personal pride over want, shivering out of the bed entirely, while checking my watch for the time. It reads 6:23 am, perfect for if I want to take a shower before breakfast.

I turn the faucet on after assembling my travel outfit for the day. A loose black T-shirt and sweatshirt accompanied by some gray jogging bottoms. The water chills me to my bones, just the way I like it. After my shower I ensure to braid my hair, the only reason I let it roam freely yesterday was due to the fact a strand was itching the crook of my neck. I couldn't bear the discomfort, so after my fifth attempt at making my braids sit correctly, I let my hair hang in its natural state, even if it was slightly curlier than usual.

Today, I run into zero hair malfunctions, it sits against my neck how it should. At 6:55 I decide to subtly shake Enid awake, knowing she'd rather face my wrath than Bianca's when she's late for breakfast. In addition, I've seen first hand what Enid is like without breakfast. I would rather battle another Hyde then face a "hangry," Enid as she put it.

"Enid," I whisper.

She grunts and shifts to her other side.

"Enid," I state, shaking her with a little more rigor.

She whines and covers herself with the blanket like one would wrap a burrito. As though a burrito would protect her from having to leave the comfort of this cheap hotel bed. A stupid and irrational thought. But it seems like something Enid would do, so for that reason alone I let it go without comment.

"Enid!" I shout, now shaking the cozy blanket mountain quite violently.

"Ahhh! Please don't kill me!" She screams, flying out of the covers into a standing position on top of the bed.

"Kill you?" I question.

Why would Enid think I'd ever harm a hair on her precious mane? She rubs her eyes, jumping to the floor, "Omg! I'm still alive! Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry. Bad dream."

Something about her bewildered glare indicates deceit. Enid has never been a good liar, but I suppose I won't press the issue any further. At least my tactic has successfully woken up the sleeping beast. Now for the challenge of getting Enid downstairs on time.

"If we are not present downstairs in the next coming minutes, we may as well already be dead." I declare.

"Why?" She asks, her eyes full of fear, "Poison? Wildfire? Wait, don't tell me... is it the Mafia?"

"No. I'm afraid a far worse fate awaits us. The name starts with 'B,' ends with 'A,' and this individual has no regard for excuses. Or regard for the law either. Maybe we are more similar than I give them credit for."

"OMG! I totally forgot about Bianca's military breakfast demands," She shouts, quickly changing her clothes, not even bothering to dip into the bathroom while she changes.

I look away out of respect. I'm sure she is still half asleep, a fully conscious Enid would surely not want to change in front of me. Not anymore, at least.

"Enid, you may be unaware, but I am still present in this room."

"I know you are. If you can't tell, I'm kinda in a rush here, Addams and since you're little miss perfect and conveniently ready, can you grab my toothbrush and zip up my suitcase? Thanks!"

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