Chapter fifteen: Joe visit

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After having lunch with Joana and Joe, like i said it was really awkward because of Joana. When i went home, i could stop thinking about Joe, oh i almost forgot to include that i collected Joe's contact, best day ever.

Me and Joe's friendship grew surprisingly, although it was hard to hide my feelings for him, Joana also did a good job in not telling Joe about how I feel about him.

When I and Joana was eating lunch at the cafeteria, Ellen passed by and Joana stopped her to ask her about why we aren't taking anymore.

Joana: Hey Elle

Ellen: Hi Joana

Joana: You good? I noticed that you and Ava aren't talking anymore.

Ellen: Good you noticed that

Joana: Oh. Umm, do you want to tell me why?

Ellen: How about you ask Ava?

Joana: She's not telling

Ellen: I'm not telling then

Joana: Alright, I just want you to know that I never intend on stealing Ava from you, I hope you...

Ellen: It's alright Joan, you have fun here while I go eat my lunch in peace. Alright?

Joana: Right, talk later then?

Ellen didn't say anything but I could see her look at me with disappointment, can I use that word? Anyways Joana and I continued to have our lunch when Joe joined us.

Joe: Hey, umm, can I sit here?

Ava: Yeah sure

Joe: Thank you. Ava, are you free on Wednesday or Thursday?

Ava: I'm free after college college on Wednesday but I'm super free on Thursday (chuckles)

Joe: Right. Mind if I come over to your place on Thursday?

Joana: I'm also free

Ava: Shut up. Yes Joe, you can

Joe: Alright, I'll see you on Thursday then.

Joana: Uhh I don't know if you're forgetting this, what about our shopping?

Ava: We can move it to on Friday

Joana: I'm not around on Friday, you know that

Joe: I'll come on Friday then

Ava: No no, come on Thursday.

Joana: Shucks

Ava: Sorry

Joe: I'm sorry Joana. I've got to go to my next class, see you later Ava

Ava: Byee

He left and Joana gave me a really stern look, I just ignored her and change her face to a smiling face and she just laughed.

When it was Thursday, Joana came to my house and helped me prepare for my "date" with Joe and for my siblings, I paid them some money to not ruin my "date". Joana left and after some minutes, Joe rang the doorbell and knocked on the door, I opened the door to meet a blood stained body.

Feeling terrified, I let him in and quickly locked the door.

Ava: Omg Joe, what happened?

Joe, I got in a fight with some boys on my way here, I'm thinking they were sent by someone to harm me.

Ava: Omg, who would do this? I'm going to call Joana

Joe: No no, don't bother

Ava: I'm calling her, why would anyone harm you because you are visiting me. How did they even know that you're coming over...

Joana rang the doorbell and I opened the door for her and she screamed.

Joana: (screamed) Omg Joe, what happened?

Ava: Some boys ganged up on him

Joana: Omg why? How did they even know you'll be here today?

Joe: I don't know

Ava: who did you tell?

Joana: What do you mean? Who do I want to tell?

Ava: Right

Joana: I would have said Ellen did it, you know she was behind us, she probably told Josh or someone else.

Ava: Don't blame Elle, she hates me not Joe

Joana: Right. This is crazy

Ava: I'll go bring the first aid kit, are you okay Joe?

Joe: I guess I am

Ava: I'm really sorry about this Joe. I'll see what I can do about this.

I brought the first aid kit and did some fixing, after fixing, I cleaned up the blood and give him a clean shirt from my dad's closet.

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