Chapter twenty: Happy again

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My mom pretty much embarrassed Joe, I bet he regrets coming over. After the incident happened I texted Joe to know how was feeling


Ava: I'm sorry about my moms behaviour, are you okay?

After few minutes

Joe:  Don't apologise, I totally get it when parents tell their children not to advice boys over, if I knew your parents was home, I would have hesitated on coming ngl

Ava: But you are okay?

Joe: Yeah, you?

Ava: Yeah I guess.

Joe: Better than nothing

Ava: What are you doing? 

Joe: I'm going to play a couple games and then do my homework that's due

Ava: Do you want to FaceTime? I don't mind watching you play games

Joe: Alright sure.

We continued our conversation on FaceTime, it was fun.

After some days, it was time for college though we have Christmas holidays in few day so because of that, my mom lets me skip college, I was glad.

I was wrapping Christmas presents with my family and Joana then the doorbell rang, Oliver went to check and told me

Oliver: Hey loser, someone is here for you

Ava: Who is it?

Oliver: Check yourself, I don't care about anything that concerns you

Ava: Then you basically don't care about yourself

Joana: Ooh, that one was good

I went to check the door and I saw Ellen standing in front of the door, I wanted to close the door but she pleaded

Ellen: Hey I'm sorry, please hear me out

Ava: You didn't hear me out when I wanted you to

Ellen: I'm sorry, please?

Ava: Five minutes to say what you want

Ellen: Please add more time

Ava: Fine, go on

Ellen: First of all I would like to say I'm very thankful you gave a chance to speak when I didn't give you a chance, secondly I'm going to say I'm sorry for not giving a chance to not explain yourself and I'm sorry I ended our almost perfect friendship, lastly I'm not trying to be your best friend again because it's pretty obvious you have one and she is amazing, but can we be friends again, please?

Ava: Thanks for the kind words about Joana, she's indeed amazing and the best. Also I'm glad you finally came to your senses, not to be rude.

Ellen: It's alright, I deserve the insult and anyone that's yet to come

Ava: Okay. So what made you decide to come ask for forgiveness? Also why did you think hurting Joe would make you get my attention?

Ellen: I didn't intend to hurt Joe, josh made me do it as he afraid of getting in trouble alone

Ava: You mean it?

Ellen: Very much

Ava: So what made you decide to come ask for forgiveness?

Ellen: Everything and besides it's Christmas season, a season of joy and cheer I think.

Ava: Alright then, thank you

Ellen: So what do you say? Friends?

Ava: Sure

Ellen: Can I hug you?

Ava: Alright (we hugged)

Ellen: Thank you Ava, merry Christmas in advance. See you in college next year (chuckles)

Ava: See you

Ellen left the house and I continued the gift wrapping with Joana and my family and when it was time for Christmas, we invited a few people and of course Ellen came.

Love has no grudges, is hard to
offend and forgives! "For if you
forgive other people when they sin
against you, your heavenly Father
will also forgive you. But if you do
not forgive others their sins, your
Father will not forgive your sins
(Matthew 6:14-15).

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