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Michael woke up to see he was in an unfamiliar place. It didn't take him long time to realize that he was in a cell. He sat in silence trying to remember why he was in there. He couldn't remember any certain thing, just blurry memories. Him going to a night club and then him making out with a random girl. Nothing else.

Right after a poliman came out of his cell calling him to follow him. As soon as he got out 3 other policemen were around him. Michael thought it would be a good idea to escape as they weren't holding him.

We quickly walked backwards getting out of that little moving cell. They tried to catch him but he was so far away running. They chased him. Michael was running past all the prisoners. He threw a blink right and left and continued running to the left as the policemen were getting closer to him. He ran and ran and ran, he finally could see the frond door. He was already feeling free. He felt air, he felt nature, he felt freedom, he felt a hit on his back. He fell down.

When he opened his eyes again he was in frond of that police chief. He tried to rub his eyes but he couldn't. His hands were chained.

"So little kid, who is Luke?" the police officer questioned Michael. He just gave him a confused look.

"I don't know anyone with that name." he replied sure about yourself.

"So you don't know any Vicky or Marina?" he questioned again. Michael's eyes were wide open as he heard these names.

"I guess you have caught the wrong person." he tried to seem realistic.

"Are you sure about that?" the police officer asked Michael again and he nodded.

"GET THIS LIAR OUT OF MY OFFICE!" he yelled as he got up hitting his hand on the desk. Michael got so scared and nervous but still he stood up for himself.

"I SWEAR TO GOD I DON'T KNOW THEM! I SWEAR I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING BAD IN MY LIFE" Michael yelled as the policemen were pushing him off the door and then lead him to his cell getting the chains off him.

As he got in and sit on the prison's bed he almost immidiately he stand up. He walked to the policeman who was watching those 5 cells full with thiefs and killers.

"Can I call my family?" Michael asked trickly.

"You can." the policeman replied and Michael smiled. "But on break time." as he said these words Michael's smile dissapeared and got replaced by a dissapointment look.

The time was passing and passing and Michael was still in his cell, when 2 policemen switched shifts.

Michael was sitting on his bed with his head on the wall, as he heard the prisoners next to him talking about this new policeman.

"He's Ryan Hemmings. I'm sure you know his cousin Luke." Michael made a really confused face as he didn't know any Luke who's Ryan's cousin. But still he couldn't interrupt and let them know he's overhearing.

"Of course I know him bro. Who doesn't?" his roomate replied.

"So Cameron was the worst student at school. He was famous thanks to his stupidness. Don't you ever wonder why he's a policeman know? Well, Luke hacked his school's online programme so he changed Ryan's grades from 9/20 to 20/20. And it's not over. Ryan got into university and Luke faked his diploma on his university's programme so it's like legal now." he explained.

Michael got up from his bed and waked to the prison bars. He smirked at Ryan. He noticed it of course.

"You know what?" Michael said as he made a dramatic pause. "I'm glad your finally in prison." he said as Ryan looked at him curiously.

"You are in prison." Ryan said nervously.

"You wish I was. Everyone knows that you got this job illegally and you are locked in right now." Michael explained trying to make him a fool. "And you're so stupid you have the opportunity to escape and you're not taking it."

"What? How?"

"Look at your belt. You have your cell's keys on it. You can just unlock and get out of here." he said pointing at the keys on Ryan's belt.

He looked at Michael curiously again but then he smiled at him. He unlocked the cell and then ran "outside". Michael calming walked past the door. He closed it, locked and just looked at Ryan thanking him. Ryan just realized he had helped a prisoner to escape so he started screaming for help. Michael quickly punched him in the stomach which made him shut up and ran away. When he was far away from his ex cell's area he began to walk so he wouldn't get caught.

He comfortably opened the main door and he scanned the area to find his car. He found it and as he had his keys still in his pockets he got in and left.

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