How to be the model wife

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Content Warning: This chapter includes themes of emotional manipulation, toxic relationships, and hints of violence. Reader discretion is advised. Stay tuned for the intense twists and turns ahead!

"Hello, my adorable ChotiChoti fam! And yes, I am currently wearing the latest dress from Trisha fashion!" Choti was on a roll hosting her Instagram live. Her fans were just the best.

"What was that? You don't know where to get it?" she asked dramatically, "Well look no further than in my very own store, Priyanka Mart! Yes," she added, eyeing the comment section, "I am very modest that way...because I am Choti!"

A knock on the door interrupted her fun.

"Oh my goodness, ChotiChoti fam, someone is interrupting our special moment! Who could the intruder that I totally do not want to murder be?"

Golu, her assistant, popped his head in and helplessly mouthed 'he still insists on waiting.' Choti's smile faltered at his statement.

What could her loser spouse want now? And at this time in particular, when she was just having so much fun?

She motioned to Golu to let him in before turning back to her phone screen, her smile back in place.

"I am so sorry, my dear fans, but I need to take a rain check. But I know you are not angry, because you love me! And I love you too, more than the little monsters!" another question on the stream entered her vision, "And uh, who are little monsters? That is a question for next time and please, guess in the comments section! Ciao!"

After turning off the live stream, Choti smiled, satisfied with herself. Her sales were over the roof, especially now that she was able to snag Trisha's latest products. But her latest guest entry wiped the smile off her face.

"Love?" it was obvious that he wasn't confident. No way, Mahesh had sleepless nights after his wife didn't fuss after the manner they had met last time. This was his second marriage, and he had enough experience to know that a silent woman was dangerous.

Choti relaxed on the sofa, stretching out her legs in front of her, and looked at her husband of five years.

"Mahesh, how many times have I made it clear that I don't want to see you? Didn't your missed calls tell you something? Or," she made a steeple of her fingers, "am I not welcome here since it was the office that you loaned to me?"

"Oh no, love," Mahesh slowly sank to his knees and crawled over to where she sat, "everything that is mine is yours. How can a husband and wife divide such matters?"

"Oh please, Mahesh. I have had quite enough of your theatrics. Just fuck off, okay? And go see your children sometime, anytime."

He grabbed her hands.

"Pree darling, I know I was wrong. I hurt you again, and I am sorry. All I just want is your forgiveness. I love you so much."

Choti took in a sharp breath, her eyes closed so that she wouldn't have to look at this man, who made a mess out of her with his lies. Despite what she had discussed with Rajkumar and her parents, Mahesh was still the man that she was bound to for life. She was his wife. How could she not have any feelings, even a little? She wasn't made of stone.

But having an intelligent brother like Rajkumar was proof that she wasn't too far off. No way, Choti's IQ was online, without any glitches at that. And it was because of this, that she knew the man in front of her was lying. There was no ounce of truth to his words. Perhaps, he did love her a bit, but Mahesh was too weak to stay faithful, and he knew that himself.

Choti thought that a weak husband was better than a domineering one, anyways. As for her feelings, they were too trifling in the face of reality. Feeling her resolve strengthen, she opened her eyes and gave Mahesh a deep look, who was waiting with an expectant gaze.

A sweet smile appeared on her face and she reached out a hand to stroke his beard. Mahesh's quickened breaths didn't miss her attention and a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes. Was trash all that this man thought about all day? How incompetent!

"Do you resent me, baby, for telling dadda to stop your contracts?" her voice was silky smooth, filled with the taste of allure, "Do you?"

"N-no. H-how could I?"

"Who do you love most? Me right?" Choti placed a quick kiss on his temple and Mahesh took in a sharp breath.

"Y-you. Only you. I worship you." he shakily placed his arms around her slender waist.

"So," she traced his lower lip with her index finger, "you are not still meeting up with that same slut of that night, right?"

"N-no...damn, Pree."

Scorn appeared on her face but he was too far gone to notice it. Choti couldn't believe this man had the gall to lie to her straight up. Golu had sent her pictures of him checking into a hotel with her just this morning. It made her nauseous. She had to quickly wrap this up.

"And so," her voice contained urgency, "you don't mind if I kill her, right?"

At the unexpected question, Mahesh's eyes snapped wide open and he looked at his wife in horror, his clarity returning.

"P-pree, w-what are you saying right now?!"

"I said, my sweet husband," she firmly held his face, enough to take in any detail, "I want to destroy that bitch for touching what's mine. I want to tear her apart and make her regret laying her dirty hands on my baby and dadda has promised to help me with that. You don't mind, right? Well unless," she stared him in the eyes, "you are not my baby?"

"Of c-course, of course I am. C-carry on." he frantically nodded his head to show he was on her side but Mahesh Sharma didn't want to stay here any longer. He wanted to get away from his scary wife and her lunatic family. A trace of struggle appeared in his eyes when he thought of the children, but it quickly disappeared when he recalled that they were spending all their time with Choti. Goodness, he wondered what they had become, and if they were anything like his wife, it would feel too suffocating to be around them. Mahesh thought he needed to get out of here and relax in the arms of another woman, Choti's love was too terrifying. Surely they would understand him. He was their father.

"Baby," she caressed his cheeks with her well-manicured fingers but he felt like they were knives dancing on his skin, "you know how much I hate it when you don't focus on me and wander about? You know how much I hate it, huh baby?" she pouted at the end.


"So now, you have to be punished." she whispered in his ear, "Now, you will go and spend time with your children. I'm afraid you are around tramps so much," she stressed her words, "they would think you are one. And when you are done with being a wonderful father, you," she slowly circled her arms around his neck like snakes on the vine, "will be a generous husband to me, your wife, your lover," she bent to kiss him, "your all."

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