Move-out day

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Manmeet's old apartment.

"Babe, can you turn down the volume? Mr. Vanshaj will complain again. He's already talking about the noise from our boxes."

"That miser. Little wonder he never got married with that attitude. Tch."

Manmeet reached for the remote beside her and lowered the volume from forty-five to twenty despite her words. She placed it back while her free hand caressed her enlarged abdomen. RJ had been fussing more lately and she couldn't blame him.

Eight months in a tiny, fluid-filled space was no fun. But hey, she wasn't partying either.

"Thank goodness we are finally leaving this dump. There was no need to renew the rent since my parents decided to stay in Shimla."

"Mmmm. You are so gorgeous in that green by the way."

"Thank you, Raj."

He paused to kiss the top of her head before moving to the kitchen, a black paper bag in his hand. Rajkumar didn't forget to mention.

"Send me a copy of your list of questions for Dr. Sandhu, just in case. You remember that we have a prenatal checkup after our therapy sessions later today."

"Okay." Manmeet fished out her phone deep in the sofa's crevices and navigated to Whatsapp. "I'm sending in one...two...sent."

"That's my girl." He said this with his attention alternating between the fruits he was washing under running water and his lover's form as she ate. Rajkumar liked that the kitchen island cut into the living room so that he could see her and the balcony from where he stood. It had been one of the few good things in this place.

Manmeet nodded while munching on a celery stick. There was more in a plastic bowl on her other side. Rajkumar had taken to placing things beside her while she sat in the middle. He didn't want her to stress herself and the baby. Manmeet thought he was the pregnant one with the way that he fussed.

I don't mind though, Manmeet thought to herself as she chewed on another stick. She remembered after.

"By the way, did you hear me talking to Preeta on the phone this morning?"


Rajkumar lowered the knife beside a half-cut apple, surprised at her words.

"You did what? I thought you wanted me to cut off any contact with her." He had been thinking hard on that even the previous night.

Manmeet flushed.

"I only called to thank her. Don't think too much." then she added in a smaller voice, "We are having lunch next week."

"When I'm on my work trip in London?"


"Whoa. Should I feel threatened by this camaraderie? What is to become of me with this newfound friendliness?"

"Shut up." she retorted then snuck a glance at him. "You are not upset, are you?"

"Why would I be, babe? I'm just joking. I am proud of you."


Rajkumar chuckled and picked up the knife. "I will pour in some condensed milk as your reward. Just how you like it."

"You are the best."

"I know. I have spoilt you silly."


Someone rang the doorbell at the end of his statement. He frowned and checked his watch.

"It's 11 am. Are you expecting anyone? I'm not."

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