Friends and school life.

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As you grew older, you learnt how to express what you feel more. You learnt how to speak more confidently, how to smile and how to properly communicate. This was thanks to the anime you watched, Mob Psycho 100.

Now, you being loud nowadays wasn't as rare as when you were younger. You also have a nice group of best friends.

"N/n, look at this."

Speaking of friends, there they are! The one calling you is named Fukuda Koji.

You looked at his drawings in disdain, seemingly disgusted. "Koji, can you not draw hardcore tentacle porn at school and boldly showing it to me..??" you complained.

"Ehhhh~ but it's good, right?" (Koji)

"Damnit! Yes, yes it is so fuck off!"(You)

"Ay, what the hell are you guys doing??" (Masako Yuna)

You saw your other friend, named Masako Yuna, nicknamed Yuna, questioned you.

"Yuna, listen to this, this fucking pervert just showed me his hardcore tentacle porn in front of my innocent little cute face! That's a crime against humanity itself, you know!!"(you)

Yuna looked at you dead, her eyes dull and empty as if she's tired of it all.

"Guys, what the hell...?"

"What's hardcore tentacle porn?" Another friend of yours, named Junpei niko nicknamed Jun. She did not enjoy that nicknamed as it sounded masculine, but she let us use it Anyways.

"You don't need to know, my sweet daughter!" (Koji)

"That's right, this is just one of their perverted antics!" (Yuna)

"Why am I also the pervert when clearly it was Koji who started it?? " (you)

"Shh!! Shut the fuck up for a second!" (Koji)

"You guys are avoiding the question, what is hardcore tentacle porn?" (Jun)

"Sigh, I'll tell you."(You)

"BRO, WAIT--" (Koji)
"HOLD ON--"(Yuna)

You decided to take one for the team and explained the gist of it to Jun. Needless to say, Jun was disgusted and refused to talk to Koji for the first few class periods. You just laughed at Koji's misery.

As for the last class period, it was math. Majority of your friends struggled to understand so being the only one that passed math with a satisfying result within your friend group, you tutored them.

"The fuck! This is one of the simplest shit you could learn this year! How are you struggling with Polygons?!"(YOU)

"I draw the weirdest shit everytime I get, so can you blame me?!"(Koji)

"No, the formula is so goddamn easy! You just count the pointy sides and divide it by two, and then times it with 180° and get the answer! And after that, you see the numbers on the pointy sides? You add it all and divide it by the answer you got earlier! You fucking moron!"(You)

"Oh! Now it makes sense, thanks, you fucking piece of shit."(Koji)

"You owe me 5 chocolates tommorow!"(You)

"Fuck you." (Koji)

After school, you walked your way home with your friends, resulting you and your friends to be distracted and get some boba milk tea, that wasn't on you, it was on Jun(being the richest in the friend group).

Eventually, you learnt that it was already an hour after school. Any longer than you will hear it from your mother.

"Guys, gotta go. My mom will be mad if I delay any longer."

"K, byeee" (Yuna)

"Adieu! "(Koji)

"See you tommorow!"(Jun)

By the time you came home, your mom was already at the door. Oh no, you are sure getting it now, aren't you..??

"Y/n, get to the dinnertable and sit."

You feel beads of sweat coming out of your skin.

'Wait, isn't this ten times more serious than usual?'

Naturally, you complied to your mother's command and sat at the dinnertable.

"I'm thinking of moving you from this school to another school." (Mom)


"Y/n, you have the talent for studying. Your grades are the top of your class and you've become such a social butterfly. I don't want to hold back on your talent." (Mom)


You kept quiet as you think of a response. This was all too sudden, and you had no idea what to think. You agree with your mother's words, but you don't want to move out. It's complicated.

"However, if you agree, you would be able to live alone there. Your father and I will support you financially. We will apply you to a school near your new apartment." (Mom)


Despite the benefits, you still find yourself hesitating. Can you really handle living alone? Being good at your studies is one thing, but independence and dicipline isn't your forte.

"Mom, I--"

"Please, Y/n. Think about your future."

By this point your mother is begging you. It's honestly almost as if she wants you gone. You don't like assuming things, but in the 14 years you've lived, you always notice the eyebags from her eyes and the way she seems tired of it all. Maybe she wants to get rid of you because you're emotionally draining her. What did you even do to her at the first place..?

However, despite all the noisy thoughts, one more came to mind.

Urk, but she's right though. Maybe.. This would be a good experience in the future? Maybe during the way, you could learn how to be independent? You love alone time anyways and it won't be that much of a difference, right? You practically stay at your room majority of the time anyways. Your siblings are noisy as hell too, so maybe... You should go?

Your rub your hands in nervousness and look at the table for an ease of mind. This is all too much for a 14 year old. Despite the unusually silent home, your thoughts were loud. You were scared. Your siblings are quiet as well,  which makes it worst. The silence increases the pressure you're feeling, making you sweat.

"Where will I be going..?"

The words blurted out of your mouth.

For the first time in forever, your mother smiled a genuine smile.

"You'll be going to Seasoning city, and to Black Vinegar Middle school! It will take at least 3 days to prepare everything, so you still have time so pack your things and bid your classmates goodbye."


What kind of name is that? Seasoning city? Their naming sense is terrible. Black Vinegar Middle School? Are all the schools going to be named after seasonings? That's going to be so fucking funny.

Speaking of which, the name sounds so familiar.. Where have you heard that before..?

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