my life is a boxer and I'm the punching bag!

449 29 9

You wonder if it's alright to call the blonde neighbour a friend of yours. It's not that you hate him or anything, it's just that it seems surreal to you that this man, out of all people, is the one that you hang out with most of the time.

You still hang out with Mako of course, it's just that you only talk to her at school or after school. The rest is with Teru.

Well, the only thing he talks about is which girl he can rizz up(is that even a word?). Not that you mind though, it's actually pretty funny. You're pretty sure he won't show this side to him to anyone, hell, to a woman! Which technically means he doesn't see you as a love interest or any sort-- just a friend.

Huh, that kinda has a nice ring to it.

Occasionally, he teaches you on how to control your powers more often. Your powers have been going kind of berserk lately. Your powers have been absorbing somebody else's power, even without physical contact. So for now, you're just trying to not kill a psychic by taking their powers.

However, today was not one of those days. It is just another Friday. Hooray! You were just going through a few aisle and taking the things you need to buy(and a few things you want), thanks to the weekly allowance given by your parents!

Speaking of which, does Teru ever buy groceries for himself? You don't recall seeing him ever go outside of his house to buy some's usually for a date with his new girlfriend. The girlfriend we are talking about right now is the same girl from his first appearance in the show. He's getting closer to his societal doom and his character development. You hope you know his size before that happens.

How do you know he goes on dates with his girl? He notifies you beforehand. Probably to tell you to not message him, go near him or go out of the apartment until you hear her voice fade away.

Perhaps to avoid having his girlfriend feeling insecure, though you can't seem to think of a reason of why that is your issue.

The moment the cashier gave you the receipt, you took your stuff and went out the door. You checked the time on your phone.


Yikes, you really took a long time there. It wasn't that you had a lot of stuff to buy, you were just fighting the urge to buy 4 bags of candy. Your impulsive thoughts won, and your allowance and your teeth is gonna die. You feel some sense of joy by being reckless with your spending though.

For some reason however, your head started to hurt.

The later you let it be, the more you head hurts. The throbbing headache made you feel like it's splitting your head apart. Yet, your body feels so energized. You want to puke, you had never experienced such nauseating pain when you're not even sick. Are you sick? You don't know. It hurts.

You feel something dripping down your nose. Slowly, you touch the bottom of your nose and you saw it. Blood. You're bleeding.

You immediately ran to your closest alleyway and began to wipe your nose with the tissues you brought. You never thought a thing you buy would be handy right now. Thank god you brought some.

You immediately took notice of a bright light surrounding you. Shit. Were you absorbing somebody else's aura--

"Aah. There is the rat that sucked the energy outta me."


"What, a brat? Well, doesn't matter."

You know that voice. It's the guy you didn't want to see the most.

"Well, was it good? My aura, I mean." His lips contort into a grin while his eyes remain wide while he took a threatening stance.

The man that is speaking to you holds a strong and big physique and a blonde goatee. Many piercings to his ears and to his nose. A suprising lack of eyebrows..No doubt about it.

"I hope you don't mind my fist going to your face!"

"W-wait! No! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"


Your phone was thrown to the ground. Your phone was cracked and broken, leaving just a white screen. However, as much as you were a phone addict, that's not the issue right now.

The man just punched the side of your face..and you know that man. Another character from the mob psycho show. Unsuprisingly.

Megumu Koyama.

A member of Claw, one of the higher ups of Scar.

The bastard that brutally and sadistically beat up a bunch of middle schoolers, because of his self-proclaimed asshole personality. The man that did not hesitate to pound mob to the ground and the fucking sky.

You feel your ears ringing and the scenery around you turn white. You feel like your nose are bleeding. Your jaw feels like it's been dislocated. Your body slowly began to feel weak and you began to lose your consciousness.

But before you do, you had one thing that you tried to say.(keyword : tried)

'That shit was ¥1000!'

"What? Unconscious already?" He looks at your body with disappointment. Koyama immediately began to search for his phone and began to frantically dialing a number with anger.

"Oi, I thought this brat was a fucking threat. She's knocked out after a SINGLE PUNCH!" His voice became stronger as he continues his sentence, obviously seething in anger.

["That's good. Now bring the kid back to the base."]

The man ends the call immediately after, leaving the man's vein to pop on the man's forehead as he grips his phone. The sides of the phone began to crack more and more, until he stopped.

"Goddamn four-eyed bastard, I'm going to fucking end him!" His voice rough and deep, although quiet, one can still feel the murderouds intent this man has.


Hey guys how r u guys feeling?? Sorry if I can't describe the feeling of getting your ass getting whooped. I'm no good at these kind of scenes, but I hope you still liked it anyways! Thank you for reading.

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