Is murder okay?

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No matter how you think about it, this is too violent, no?

You just got brutalized by a man twice, no, three times your size. You don't even know why he did it...ok, maybe you do but it wasn't on purpose. When you open your eyes, you are already in a cell.

You got your guts crushed and thrown into a cell? Seriously?

You're gonna start crying.

You are really wondering if you should start doing murder on these kind of people..

You bite back your sigh when you saw a man standing there. Damn, he has a really long chin. You feel a vein popping pop when you clench your hands, holding back the intrusive urge to tell you to use your psychic powers to drain all his energy and torture them.

What gave them the right to treat you like this? You're fucking 14, for fucks sake..

You pinch the bridge of your nose as you feel your head ringing. Everything is so stressful. Why are you suddenly involved in their fucking problems? What the hell did you even do?

....Nothing will change if you keep thinking like this.

You need to find a way to escape.


He look at his phone as he sends a message to (Y/n), waiting for her response. After a while, he starts getting more worried--- worried?

Hah. No way, he would never! He thinks in denial.

After a moment of denial, he spams the contact. He can feel a vein appearing at his hands as he grows more agitated at the lack or response.

"Why the hell is she not responding?" His tone of voice harsh and quiet. He sends one last message before he realises what he's doing.

He immediately deletes all messages he sent out of embarrassment. He puts a hand on his face as he sighs.

"Why am I trying so hard? She's my neighbour. I'm bound to see her anyways..." He says, and again, in denial. He feels his cheeks warming up due to the shame that he's feeling.

He's supposed to look effortless. Why is he acting like a guard dog for her? He just met her. Have some tact. Girls are supposed flock on him, not the other way around!

He closes his phone and shoves it into his pocket. One of his hand resting on his nape as he walks back to his apartment.

He gazes at the sky, before looking down  at the ground. His hands move from his nape to his shaggy and fluffy hair and began to ruffle it. For some reason, he has a bad feeling about this.

He shakes his head again.

"Tsk. I need to get my mind off things."


Sorry for the short chapter, my homework is doubled again huhu(cries). I had to copy 22 slides to my notebook and do 12 other homeworks. I swear the teachers are planning our deaths. I won't be able to upload as much I used to, sorry. Things have been too busy. I'll try, though. Thank you for reading (°v<)~☆

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