Feeling bashful?

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Despite being extremely good at studying, you were never a fast person. It will take quite a few tries for you to understand some concepts or hell, even remember it. However you can't believe it took you exactly 1 hour after a night shower for you to realise why the name sounded so familiar. You practically remember everything about mob psycho, after all!

It sounded exactly like the city name in Mob Psycho 100. Hell, even the school name!

However, as mentioned earlier, you were not a fan of assuming things. You do not want to get your hopes up over something so stupid and be upset when you were wrong. You are so much of a bothersome person you somehow bothered yourself just by thinking the stupidest things. Think logically, maybe the show was inspired by a real city and decided to set the show there.

Speaking of which, don't you need to give your friends a heads up for your transfer? If you delay any longer, you have a feeling you might forget about this immediately after. That would result in a gorey death tommorow. You open your phone and clicked a messaging app and started typing,

You :
LMAOOOO guys im transferring to another school in 3 days yolo

Several others are typing..

You close your phone and lay on your bed. You hear your phone continuously buzzing, but you paid no mind. You were too lazy to think of a response.

Eventually, you fell into deep slumber.


As expected, your friends gave you a beating as you play cute. Well, the beatings were light today so you didn't fight back. Koji managed to bring his 5 chocolates and gave it to you because well, he owed you it for making you tutor him math. Yuna and Jun gave you a hug. The rest of your classmates bid you goodbye, saying words along of "I'll miss you""Introduce me to some hot chicks!""Goodbye, sniff fellow trash. You shall sniff not be missed."

Well, safe to say your classmates are practically bastards in a nice way.


Eventually, the day came and your friends were there to bid their goodbyes to you for the second time. Your mother were there as well. It was currently 8:35am and it was a Saturday morning, so you didn't have to care about them skipping classes.

"Broo...!! I'll fucking miss you!!" Koji sobs as he held you.

"Oh fuck off, you can always take the train and visit me."

"Yeah but school will never be the saaame!!" Koji whines.

"N/N, here." Yuna hands you a few clips. "I though you might want this..so..I...sob, brought this for y-you. sniff" She exclaimed as she wipes her tears with her sleeves.

"You too?!"

"I-I also have this..so..don't sob, don't forget about us, ok!?" Jun exclaims as she hands you..a fucking apple watch?!

"Jun?????? I think you got me the wrong one??????" In which Jun would say "Huh, no, that's my present to you?" As expected of Jun!

"Jun and Yuna is making me feel like a bad friend for bringing nothing but my tears." Koji says.

"That's because you are, you punk." Yuna boldly exclaim.

Your mom chuckles at the sight, "Now, now,isn't it time for you to get on the train? Your train arrives at 8:40am, does it not?"

You check your clock,


You smile at your mother, "Yeah, I gotta go now, it's almost time."

Desolate// Mp100 X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now