..Isekai kinda sucks.

250 17 4

Escaping did not work.

You got caught the higher ups. Your body is in pain. This is the first time you've ever been..beaten up like this.

You laid on the ground as your blood piles the ground. Your body unmoving and still, but your eyes are filled with defiance. Your hands held from the back by a woman with a strong built. Your body had multiple bruises on it, but you paid no mind. Beads of sweat drop from your face.

"Sorry," she said with a stern tone, "I have to do this."

When she said those words, a part of you wants to yell at her. A part of you really, really wants to beat her up, but your body stays still. Fear washes over you as you think what's coming. Will you die? Will you be an experiment? Will you end up getting injured like this over and over again?

Are my mundane days...going to become like this?

However, your empathy was as just as strong as your fear. Her sympathetic look makes you feel weak. You can't say you know what's going on with her, but you can't help but pity her. You pity the other higher ups of Claw.

Because they remind you so much of an immature little child.

They remind you of a broken child, who had lost its way.

Out of instinct, you mutter a silent, "It's okay." It went unheard by most, but the woman holding you down flinched slightly.

As blood continues spill out of your head, you went limp and unconcious. You wish they don't start doing shit with you when you're unconscious.


You managed to absorb the energy of the guards, leaving them unconscious. You wish that they don't die and ran away from the scene. You did not want to take responsibility for their deaths.

As you ran trying to find an exit, you felt a strong, violent sensation on your head. You feel your head ringing as your body slowly go weak. You managed to compose yourself and tried to absorb her psychic ability.

"Sorry. I am not like those weak fries over there." She says, before punching you.

As you were stunned from the shock and the whiplash of the punch, she took the chance and apprehended you to the ground.

Your ching hits the ground as she grinds your head with her other hand.





"Wake up, punk!"

My eyes opens suddenly as I hear the loud booming voice, my entire body flinching. Immediately, the whiplash hits me due to the sudden movement. You see the buff delinquent man right in front of you, his face too close to your ear to your liking.


You look around the room in confusion before recognising the familiar faces.

Ah fuck.

All of them are from Scar, aren't they..?

"Aah! She woke up!" A ginger girl with..four braids and ome bun exclaimed.

You sat there, flabbergasted and unable to move due to the restrictions. You were tied up and stuck onto a chair, you can't even move one bit because of the strength of the rope. It hurt, it feels like it might leave a mark on you..

"Hmph. Took a while."

You look around the room awkwardly, not sure what to feel about this situation. You were positioned somewhere on the middle. Therefore meaning that...you're the center of attention.

What kind of shitty misfortune is this?

Why do you have to go through this?

You've never done anything wrong either.

Nothing..nothing is----

"Nothing is going my way today..."

You blankly stare at the floor with a silent sigh before realising that, oh shit, you said that out loud. Great.

"Aah!? You think you're the only one with problems?!"

You can't believe the bullshit that this bastard is spewing. Oh, well, sorry for complaining after what, being beaten up to the point to being unconcious, kidnapped, and then apprehended to unconciousness!? Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! You trashy adults, go kill yourself!

"Ah--no, um, sorry."

As if you can say all that. You'll end up dying an even earlier death if you said that. Seriously.

Perhaps the word "death" freaked you out a bit, but you seem to unable to focus to a single shit these people are saying. You were out of your head, you were thinking, but rather than efficient things to get out..

A part of you sweats as you as the situation  you're in sets in. Not a single rational thought in sight, your eyes spacing out as your hand latch to the other one to calm yourself. Ususally, your head was loud but now, it was eerily quiet.


You might actually die, won't you?

Despite the show barely including murder--(at least to the main cast)-- the possibility of it is always there. This is a big organization, an organization which is about manipulation and weakness. They manipulate weaknesses to make people bend at their will, it doesn't matter how cruel, or how kind they have to be. Whatever gets the job done. Whatever makes the world powerful..

No matter what.

Then that means, they've certainly killed before, right?

A part of you shudders at the thought as you attempt to squirm at the seat you're tied to.

Maybe because of the situation you're in, you became hyperaware of the things you're feeling, and your surroundings as well.

The sweat dripping down your neck and forehead, your hair grazing your neck and face, your manic eyes, your shaky hands that's gripping to the other one for dear life, the people looking at you, those who sighed, those who simply looked at you like an object, the tapping on the table, the sound of cheap air conditioner that's filling the room-----

The fact that you can't look at any of them at the face.

(It was so easy to look at them when they weren't real, and weren't planning to kill you---)

"Oi! Can't you fucking--"

"That's enough."

"Hah!? Who the fuck are you to order me around, Ah!?"

"Who are you to act like the world revolved around you?"

A slam on the table made you flinch. If it weren't for the restrictions around you, you would've jumped so high.

"You motherfuckin---"

A small figure walks inside the room. It was wearing all black with a goggle on it's mask. Immediately, you recognized who it is.

————Author's note below
Sorry for not updating for so, so long. I've been busy with life. To be honest, I don't see myself updating more after this, but if the time comes, I will try.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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