This is one eventful day...

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After pondering the posibilities, it was clear to you that this might be some sort of loop. It was so utterly obvious this whole time. You hate yourself for being slow but--this isn't the time to degrade yourself. You can do that after this whole situation is solved. For now, all you can do is figure out who or what made you experience this.

You don't know what the intention or the point of making you, out of all people go through a loop, but you are not having it. You want this to get over with immediately and go back to your sweet little domain--your home.

However it seems almost impossible for you to be able to go home. As what was mentioned earlier, this is a loop. Therefore, this could be either be the work of an overpowered psychic or the work of a spirit. This is the world of Mob Psycho, after all. However, this situation looks more odd the more you look at it. If such an overpowered esper were to exist, and uses their power like this, then won't they at least appear in the show? At least a mention of their name would suffice but they weren't in the show at all. Not even in the book, nor the omakes. 

This is why you are leaning more to the latter idea--A spirit would make more sense. The reason is simple. In the show, most of the espers are explored as a character, if they weren't, they would either be side characters or there would be at least an omake about them. However, this does not go with spirits as in the show, spirits are actually barely even in the show at all, not even the omakes.

This is why you are leaning more to the latter idea--A spirit would make more sense. The reason is simple. In the show, most of the espers are explored as a character, if they weren't, they would either be side characters or there would be at least an omake about them. However, this does not go with spirits as in the show, spirits are actually barely even in the show. Although there were some appearances of them, they only last a few seconds until getting exorcized by Mob (The exceptions being Dimple and Mogami, as both have more than a few minutes for a screentime).

Well, if it were to be simplified, then it would be like this :

Spirits are mostly irrelevant and the show mostly focuses on character growth, so the chance that a spirit like this could be overlooked is likely.

Although there are some holes in this theory of yours(such as the fact that a spirit this overpowered being overlooked is also rare), this is the only explanation that made sense to you. You honestly can't think of anything else that could explain this.

As you were walking, you notice that your surroundings had became more disoriented over time. You immediately halt in your tracks as you began to frantically looked around. No doubt about it, you were still next to the single family house with the weird, small vandalism. For some reason, though, the house next to you looked a like it was disoriented--glitching, even.

You lay brush your index finger onto the wall. It felt like a normal, old wall. You brush your index finger on the said wall and the cool gray paint has now stained your index finger. Odd. The gate was old, yes? So why has the paint stained your index finger..? You look at the wall where you brushed your index finger and saw that the wall is now glitching

"What the fuck..? "

Your mutter as you rub your index finger with your thumb. The paint on your finger slowly fade away. You don't understand what is even going on anymore. Your other hand pinched the bridge of your nose as you sigh, "Let's just find the exit.." Thinking too much of this place won't do. Your top piriority is to get out as soon as possible.

You look towards the sky, noting that the day is getting darker. "It's going to be night soon.. Ahh, shit. I'm so doomed. " You feel your palms getting sweatier by the second. You bite your lip ans began to rush your way to your front. There is nothing else you could do but to advance ahead, so you might as well do the only thing you could do in this situation.

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