Connecting the dots

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Class is finally over. You and your new friend walked home together. You haven't joined any club yet and you don't plan to. Your friend however, is in the basketball club however she skipped the meeting, saying that she's just a benchwarmer. You didn't question her and continue to listen to whatever gossip she had and it was a blast.

Unfortunately, her home was quite close to school so she got to her home first. She feels bad about it so she gave you some chocolate that she has left in her house. You don't understand why she would feel bad, considering that your house is just another walk away, but you accept the chocolates anyways. It's an act of generosity, so you should always accept it.

As you walk home you began to notice some things.

Firstly, Mcdonalds here are named "Mobdonalds". It was weird considering that Mcdonalds is a multinational fast food chain so if they were to be a bootleg version of it then it's possible they might get sued. However, it seems to be a booming business and nobody paid any mind to the name. You hate to say this but it's just like in mob psycho. Most real life restaurants or such have the something named "mob". No matter how you think about it, this is.. Weird!

You decide to take a selfie with a Mobdonalds sign in front of you. This way you can think more about it at home and well, not continue looking at a bootleg version of Mcdonalds like a starving child. Some people were staring at you and you did not like it.

In addition, you remember your new school looking exactly like Teru's school. Hell, even named the same! Black Vinegar middle school...Damn, this is getting weird.

By the time your continual thoughts stopped, you arrived to your apartment complex. You climbed up the stairs and went to the second floor. As you pass Hanazawa's room, you saw his plate number and below the number was his full name.

"Hanazawa Teruki"

'That's really his first name, huh..' You thought as you looked to the door on your side. After a few seconds, you went inside your room and locked your door.

You immediately ran to your bed for comfort. The more time you spent at this city the more you feel yourself going insane. Nothing here made sense. None of them.

Perhaps you were overthinking things.

Perhaps you were just nervous because you were at a new environment.

Perhaps you would get used to this overtime.

Despite your positive(and logical) thoughts, you still feel as if you're going insane. This isn't even your 2nd day of school and you're already being like this.

You rub your face with the palm of your hands out of frustration.

The moment you stepped into this apartment complex, you met a guy that is literally exactly like your favourite character and embarassed yourself and, amazingly enough, embarassed them as well.

The next day, which is today, you end up not only being in the same school with them, but the same class as well! Thankfully, you guys haven't even shared a single conversation after the humiliating session you both experienced together.

And the funny thing is, you are constantly debating with yourself wether this is the world of your favourite anime, or you're just delusional. The perfect example would be right now.

However your theory is not baseless. The things that have been going on around you has been way too much to be mere coincidence. It's almost as if you're exactly in the same world as your favourite characters and it's scaring you.

Desolate// Mp100 X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now