What the hell.

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News flash : You're a psychic.

You truly never would've expected such an outcome to befall you.

It's not like it's exactly a terrible news to hear..It's just unexpected. This would've been impossible. Well, until it happened, of course.

As far as you know, there is no trace of psychic powers within your blood. None of your family or distance family members have psychic powers..you think.

You were never the type to talk to your family members. Speaking of which, you don't even remember their names or what their age. Huh. You probably should've talked to them more.

Ok, now you're just getting distracted.

You weren't even born in this exact universe proves it. The possibility of you being born in the Mp100's universe is clearly impossible(cue to the Mcdonalds/Mobdonalds incident). Besides, these strange phenomenons only started when you went to this city! Speaking of which, how the hell did your mom find this city?

None of this makes sense anymore..

'You know what, who gives a damn at this point. It's not like anyone is reading my thoughts right now. I should just go to sleep and hope tomorrow won't be as terrible as today.'


You took a deep breath as you hold on your doorknob.

You're too goddamn nervous for this. You genuinely hope Teru isn't out there waiting for you. Although waking up to your favourite character is a dream come true, you're the type that prefers watching from a far distance.

Not in a creepy way.

You won't stalk him or anything, just watch him from afar from school. You do not want to put effort on being a stalker. You have better things to do than stalking. He's just a sight that relaxes your eyes.

Besides, he isn't really the friendliest version of him right now.

Ok, that still sounds kinda creepy but it gets the point across, right?

You sigh as you end your inner monologue as you realise that you could be late if you keep doing this. You put your hands on your doorknob and open your door to see Teru in front of your door.

You quietly scream in your heart due to the beauty of the man in front of you. It's as if his beauty can purify your dirty soul and you're thankful that you've lived to this day.

The morning sunlight illuminates his face, showing his clear and beautiful skin for you to see. His fluffy and smooth hair groomed and well-taken care of and the majestic aura he has..Dear god. He's utterly breathtaking.

"Thank you for being alive and real." You blurt out unconsciously, unaware of the words that slipped out of your mouth.

For a moment, he stares at you with a slightly awkward expression but immediately smiled, "Pfft, you're welcome."

'I want to die.'

You began to scream on the inside as you slowly began to realise that you indeed, said those embarrassing words out loud. Your cheeks began to heat up at the thought but your expression remained calm.

He awkwardly laughs as he turns his body towards you. "Would you want to walk to school together?"


And that was the start of your friendship with somebody you never expected.


OKAY SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED THIS BOOK FOR A WHILE HHAHHH.. i forgot abt this for a long time. And sorry for the short chapter!!!! And if ur reading this then thank you!!!!!!!

Desolate// Mp100 X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now