How unexpected!

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Despite how much of a playboy Hanazawa looks like, he seems to be able to focus on class more than you could. You're not saying you can't focus on class, it's just that he looks really serious about all this. Unlike you, who came to this town out of a whim..

For some reason, you caught yourself staring at his back. 'He seems pretry well built' you note. After losing interest on his back, your eyes trail to his fluffy and shaggy hair. His hair seemed really loved, considering how pretty it is.

Suddenly, you are reminded of Hanazawa Teruki, in his glory, bald and naked.. Agh, you hate this habit of yours. You don't like comparing a real person to a fictional, that feels so wrong!

Just as you were to have a whole crisis about how chronically online you are, you suddenly realise one thing.

Hold on, you are not going to just stare at this guy's back all day. Focus, you moron! You transferred here, so focus!

By the time the bell rung, a few classmates came rushing to sit next to you while a few others ran to buy their lunch at the cafeteria.

Unexpectedly, a few decided to try and befriend you in which you gladly accepted. You exchanged your line with them and had a blast. Your social skills are not so great to be praised, but it was enough to get a few friends first try.

You just hope you don't ruin your current status by revealing how much of a bastard you are, that would be terrible.

The guy in front of you however, seemed to be really popular with girls.  They are all around him, asking him to give attention to them. You admit, he is indeed, drop dead gorgeous, but you wish these girls would have at least a bit of self-respect.

Of course, those words were all hypocrisy. You remember bowing your head in front of your living room Tv due to that one scene in mob psycho 100. It was Reigen, obviously your knees will get weak.

That however, was besides the point. These girls are all flocking all around Hanazawa as if he's going to bless them with better taste in men. Anyone can tell that he is clearly enjoying all this attention.

You continued to munch on your packed lunch, in which you made it yourself with the limited ingredients you have in your apartment. It was edible enough for you to eat and the taste was suprisingly very well. There was only a little bit of food left. Were you eating way too fast..? Well, might as well take the last bite!

The girl whom you exchanged lines with tapped your shoulder. Her face had a gentle look to it. She waved her hands to signal you to come closer and you complied, waiting for what she has to say.

Her next words however, would suprise you.

"You're so lucky to be able to sit behind Teruki-san!" she whispers with her soft and gentle voice. Her voice is asmr tier.

(Hanazawa's ear twitched. Scary, does he have supernatural powers, or something?)

You finish chewing, "Teruki-san..? You mean that is H-Hanazawa's first name?"

Hanazawa.. Teruki? No way. No fucking way. There is in no way. That's right, these are real people! Real people! So it has to be a coincidence. Just because he looks, sounds, and acts exactly like your favourite mob psycho 100 character does not mean your favourite character is real! Wake up, wake up goddamnit! Wait, actually, the more you think about it, the more it makes sense because it can't be pure coincidence his name, appearance and mannerisms are the same as your favourite character. Still, he could just be a big fanboy of the mob psycho 100 merchandise so, not possible. You can't change your gonvernment name when you're still a minor and you doubt that his parents would let him name himself after an anime character. No wait, maybe that's just his actual gonvernment name? Damn it!---

"..Yeah? Everybody calls him by his first name, except for the teachers, at least.. " She looks at you mildly confused but something seemed to had clicked within her by the tine she finished her sentence.

"Ah, right. Sorry, I forgot you're still new here.. Well, I'll tell you all about him but first, " As she snaps you out of your train if thoughts, she takes a hold of your arm, "Let's go, yeah?"


Before you get to proccess what was happening, she was already dragging you out of the class. Lucky for you though, your food were already finished. Problem being is that you didn't have enough time to react to close your lunchbox. Just your luck!

"You really dragged me out, huh." you look at her with your most deadpan face yet, clearly trying to make her feel your disappointment.

"Sorry, but I don't want Teruki-san to hear what we're saying.. That would be so embarassing!"

You hummed, "So... What's the big deal with this Hanazawa guy?"

"Girl, did you like, not see his face?"

"I definitely did." You literally shamelessly flirted with him when you first met him. Of course you'd remember.

"That's your answer! His face is the hype!" She says as she finger-gunned at your direction.

"Oh yeah, I can totally see that. He's beautiful, drop dead gorgeous even." You blurted.

"Girl, you're so real! Well, you know, he's also quite smart. He aced his class and he's the sporty kind too! But there's a small, secret rumor going around about him, though... " She whispered.

How unexpected, you never took her to be someone that enjoys gossip. Your opinion of her turned a whole 360° but you did not mind. Perhaps, you should stop her before she spreads any false rumors about a random guy you just met but by this point, your interest were piqued and you began to put your full attention to it.

"It is said that he's secretly a delinquent."



"Aw, I was just about to give you details about this juicy gossip. Oh well. You wanna continue this conversation on our way home later?"



So there was no need to worry about being a bastard, after all.

Within that short talk, you realised something.

This school is already somewhat rotten, so there is no need to still have your sympathy intact here. Even if you were the witness, you won't be as bad, would you? Clearly, you would just be the helpless bystander and just another number in the crowd.

The corner of your lips curl up into a playful smirk.

"Pfft, absolutely!"


A/n - Yn is a little bit slow, but I promise by the next chapter she wold realise where she is.

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