Why do Thursdays hate me..??

536 29 16

Today is another school day, To be specific, a Thursday. You sigh as you wear your bag, 'when will friday come..?' you wonder as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

The other day, you were just having a crisis wether you were in the world of your favourite anime or not and unfortunately, you were right. This place, or world, is undoubtedly the world of Mob Psycho 100. You go to school with your favourite character. Hell, you guys are even neighbours!

Even worst yet, you couldn't even bring your phone to school today as you had forgotten to charge your phone. Just your luck.

You sigh in exasperation, just the thought itself is enough to fill you with dread. It's not like you have anything against the show or anything, it's just the fact that the moment you open the door, you'll be in the same world as them makes it feel.. Surreal. Well, not that you aren't there already..but still, to be in a whole new alternate universe out of nowhere is just-- horryfying, in a way.

However, despite everything, you still can't help but feel somewhat excited to see your favourite character to be real and close to you. It just.. You never thought this would never happen but now that it is happening is just... Wow.

Ok wait, that makes you sound kinda creepy...Let's just go to school.

You shakily lay your hand on the handle of your apartment door. You took a deep breath and opened the door gently.

The moment you stepped outside, a figure next to you startled you. It seems that he was on his way to school as well. He turns towards you,
"Oh, well if it isn't my neighbour. You're the new girl in my class, right?" He confidently exclaim as the corner of his lips curl up.

You feel as if you have a lump in your throat as you were unable to answer his question. You knew you would have to talk to your favourite character at some point, but not this early! Damn it, maybe you should've taken longer to get ready this morning. No use crying over spilt milk, you have to answer him! Use your social skills you have, goddamnit!

You simply nod dumbly at his questions. For some reason, you can't get your voice to get out..Damn it! This is way too unexpected! Can this alternate universe or whatever it is make you have a break?!

"Ah.. Then allow me to introduce myself formally. I'm Hanazawa Teruki. Let's be good neighbours from now on, yeah?" He smiles. You can see light shining from him. Oh wow, oh shit, he's beautiful. Help.

"L/n Y/n, and, uh, L-Likewise.." You gaze at the wall next to you.

ARRRGGGHHH?!?! You feel your face heating up and beads of sweat forming on your face.

'My favourite character is talking to me! The Teru! Oh. Oh my god. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OH MY GOOOOOOOD... His hair looks so nice todayyyyy!! He's so.. He... Aaa...I might die. Why did I stutter..... Hdhdgrhgewbhdjsvrjbsjr..I wanna die..What am I supposed to doo???? Ohmygod I forgot how to breathe.. Help.. '

The moment you realized what you were thinking. You immediately stopped. Oh my god. You're acting so creepy. You have to stop this habit of yours.


Teru's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to reality. His face is way too close to yours, making your heart beat faster than it should. It's going at such a rapid rate, making you feel terrified about what will happen if this keeps happening.

"Sorry, I gotta go now.. Ahaha." Just after you slightly bow down to him, you immediately fleed from the scene.

"Hey--- wait!"

As your figure fade to the background, he click his tongue with an annoyed expression. "Tsk, and here I thought use her as a backup.. Oh well." He held his chin and held a thoughtful expression,

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