1. Awakening in a strange place

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Instead of Waking up on the rock I awoke in a place that was completely dark. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized I might have been caught and brought back. No, calm down, they couldn't have found me. Now that I think about it, my clothes feel different, I am wearing some kind of-

???: Darn, people will come soon! I have to wear the uniform, fast...

There's somebody outside the coffin? Maybe they know where I am!

???: Nggggh!!! This lid is so heavy, well if it has come to this! Time for my secret move!

" I wonder what they are doing, it sounds like they are trying to get me out! I should thank them!
I quickly kick the lid off to see..

: A talking weasel?!

???: I am NOT a weasel! I am the Great Grim-Sama you know! Now give me your clothes or I will roast you whole

I never thought of the day I would see a raccon or something like that talk.  Suddenly " Grim " shoots fire my way and out of pure instinct I throw him away and dash out the door


I run frantically from the room, I barely have the strength to fight that thing. I dashed through what looked to be a courtyard and slam open and run into a room filled with books. I finally catch my breath " Why am I so scared of a raccoon? Right, I spent most of my energy getting out of that place "

Grim: Did you think you could run away from me?! You stupid human! Now if you don't wanna be roasted whole, give me those clothes!

All of a sudden I see a man with a crow mask tie him with a rope swiftly. Almost too fast.

Grim: Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?

???: Consider it tough love.

???: Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid I trust you're  one of this year's new students?

: What do you mean Stu-

???: My we're you ever eager to make your debut.
???: And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules

I have a feeling if I try to tell him it isn't mine he won't listen. He looks full of himself like that.

Grim: As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!

???: Yes,yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?

He has sas! I don't like his aura though, seems manipulative or just plain stupid.

???: Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it.

: But I didn't-

???: Does the very notion of patience elude you?

He's getting me pissed off. One more snarky comment and I might snap his neck, literally.

???: No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber

: Ahem, pardon me but what do you mean by student?

???: You awakened in a room full of coffins did you not? All of the stents here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates
???: Although typically the students have restraint enough yo wait until I open them before waking up.

That's the last straw, I am going off on him. I just got out of the shittiest place ever and he is pushing to far.

: Pardon me for saying this sir but I just escaped from absolute FUCKING torture and I have awoken in a strange place with a fucking RACCOON looking weasel trying to set me on FIRE and opening my APPARENT coffin. You are pissing me off so much that I am about to Ş̷̛̯̬͚̞̳̓́͐̉̏͝ ̴̡̧̨̛̣̞͉̘̣͈͚̘̬̰͚̌̉Ņ̶̢̖̗̙̲̫̜͍̳̈́̇̈́̂͆͂͒̈͗̊̀̚̚͜ ̴̻͔̝̮͈͉͖͚̥͂Ȧ̷̢͘ ̸̧̧̢̠͓͉̣̝̤̥͍̳̲͇̬͂̾͝P̷̨̨̨̻͕͕͔͙͉̙͎͖̱̘̍ . Now if you could be so kind to tell me where the FUCK I am I would greatly appreciate that.

He looked at me in pure shock and confusion, his eyes also flashed with pity a bit. He looked as if he was going to retaliate but decided against it.
The silence was almost as bad as him talking, but after a few seconds he decided to speak up.

???: Ah.. uhm.. well how about I take you to the opening ceremony, I will explain along the way, how does that sound Miss... uh-

: Y/N, it's Y/N. Sorry about my outburst, things have been rough and I didn't mean it.

???: I accept your apology Miss Y/N for I am gracious

Oh dear god there he goes again. Somebody please humble this man.

???: Now come follow me.

I trailed behind him while he explained where I am and his name. Apparently this is a school, which is surprising I haven't been to one in a while. He is also the headmaster or as he called it headmage of this school. Crowley was his name. Also about a carriage that came to get me  and a dark forest I crossed through to get here. I actually remember the dark forest but not the carriage coming to get me. Then all of a sudden he burst through a door and I knew, had reached the " Gate "

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