6. Why am I crying?

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I don't have much to say, I'm just really motivated lately so let's get into the story

A blue fireball flew past me, It snapped me out of my trance. Grim shouted at Ace

Grim: Hey! Don't you dare talk bad about me or my henchmen!

Ace laughed almost like he forgot what happened a few minutes ago. I back up to get away from Grim's flame so I don't get hit.

Ace: I'll just deflect it!

Ace suddenly grabs a.. pen? Then uses that pen to send Grim's fire away! I quickly get to the Queen of Hearts statue as fire and wind start blowing everywhere.

Students started gathering all around, weren't they gonna help? Or are they just gonna stand there!

Grim: Just stop and let me hit you! You deserve it after being so rude!

Ace: No way! I don't deserve to be hit, I was just telling the truth!

Grim shoots more fire and Ace with a flick of his pen, moves deflects the fire... straight towards me and the statue. I tried to move away but I was to slow.
| 3rd Person POV |
Y/N started running to get out of the way of the fire coming straight for her.
Grim: Get out of the way!

It was too late, she fell and the fire hit her square in the face, even the Queen of Hearts statue wasn't spared. She brought her hand to her face, to feel a fleshy feeling as it stung.

I-it hurts... I start crying? I haven't cried in such a long time? Why am I crying now? W-why does it hurt so much?

Grim and Ace came rushing towards me. I start backing away from them. I wasn't thinking straight.

:G-get away from me!

Ace: Are you alright?! Oh god I am so sorry, you weren't meant to get hurt!

Grim: Henchman are you alright?

Ace tried to reach his hand out to me, I slapped it away and tried to get up.

:Stop! Don't touch me!

Ace retracted his hand and looked at me with worry in his eyes. Grim walked up to me and put his paws on my hand.

Grim: Henchman? Are you okay?

:It hurts.. really bad..

All of a sudden I hear a pair of shoes from behind me and a voice speak up. I turn my head and blink my tears out, just to see Crowley.

Crowley: What is going on here?! Cease this at once!

He looks down to see my cheek all charred and fleshy. His eyes widened in surprise, he bent down a bit and offered me a hand.

Crowley: What happened here! You two will answer this at once!

I took his hand and he pulled me up. I started wiping my tears.

Crowley looks at me with concern and worry filling his face. He examines the wound a bit before saying

Crowley: How dare you hurt a young lady and Burning the Queen of Hearts statue! You two shall wash 100 windows for this blasphemy!

He looked at me and handed me a cloth to cover my wound.

Crowley: Come now, let's get you to the nurses. Follow me.

I held the cloth to my cheek and started following him

Crowley: How dare they charr the statue and proceed to harm an innocent lady! *Sigh* Pardon me, here is the nurses office. You are welcome to get food in the cafeteria after you are released. If it takes long after lunch I will make sure to procure some food for you.

I sniffled a little. Man this dude is acting like the dad I never had.

:Thank you...

He looked pleased, he opened the door and ushered me in. He closed the door and the nurse came up to me.

???: Oh dear- you poor thing. Come over here.

He took my hand and sat me down on the bed before grabbing an ice pack, some medical tape, some cotton balls, and some rubbing alcohol. He grabbed a cotton ball and soaked it with alcohol before dabbing it on my cheek. I cringed and bit my tongue.

:Ow.. ow-

???: I am sorry about this hurting, but I have to clean the wound.

After he cleaned the wound he grabbed a few more cotton balls and the medical tape before putting the cotton balls onto my cheek and grabbing some of the medical tape and using it to keep the cotton balls In place.

???: Sorry it's the best I can do right now. I have run out of medical supplies today. Oh here's an Ice pack! If something happens don't be afraid to come back!

:Okay thank you... have a good day!

He smiled at me as I got up and left. I put the Ice pack on my cheek, walking around the school for a bit because it was nowhere near lunch time. I walked over to a tree and laid down In the shade, I curled my knees up a bit.

It's so peaceful.. it's like nothing bad ever happened, like the lab didn't exist, like my anguish and pain disappeared.. it certainly didn't disappear.

My thoughts are interrupted by somebody walking towards me. They hover over me for a second before bending down, moving my hair away from my cheek and checking it. Then leaving a note before leaving.

When they are far enough I open my sit up, opening my eyes. I grab the note and read it.

" Dear Y/N,
I sincerely apologize for what happened this morning. It wasn't cool of me, and I ended up hurting you. You don't have to forgive me, I just want you to know that I do regret my actions. This wasn't required by Crowley or anything.. I genuinely regret what happened, since I caused it.

Ace "

I smiled a bit, and tear's began to swell in my eyes. Am I crying because nobody has ever apologized to me for something they did? Yes, yes I am. I could forgive him if he works for it. I wipe my eyes and lay back down.. the sun feels great on my skin...

| Ace POV | I saw her get up as she grabbed the note, her eyes followed the lines on the page, all of a sudden she slightly smiled, and a few tears began to prick her eyes. Did I say something wrong? I don't think I did?!

I look back to see her wipe her eyes and lay back down, holding the note close to her chest. I smiled a bit and left.
I'm sorry for hurting you, I hope you forgive me.
| 3rd Person POV |

The sun shined down on her hair, a few flowers surrounded her, she held a note close to her chest.

She looked so peaceful, if only this moment could last for forever she thought, before she drifted to sleep...

So usually your trying to avoid using your powers cause some people could try to manipulate you because of it. Sorry for the edit here but I thought I should make it something funny because that's my brand for titles I guess-

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