1-1) The Thorns Sting.

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Not a light not a sound, threw my voice into the dark, but the dark had no remark. Just repeated what I said.

The Red Rose Tyrant.

The pale moonlight flooded the room, dust particles still floating in the air despite her former attempts to rid the room of said dust. Her soft breathing only interrupted by the movements of Grim.

The little story of Alice and Wonderland playing, scene by scene in her head. Only remembering the story from the off chance the lab allowed her leisure time.

She ran through the rose bushes, the trial had gone horribly wrong. What else could you expect from a tyrant? Now being in the place of Alice, and not just an observer.

The thorns of the bushes cut and stung her fragile arms. The chanting in a distance making her panic more.

?| Off with her head!

?| Get her at any costs!

Her movements swift, yet unable to escape the mazes torment. She ran until.. she hit a dead end. The sound of gear clanking behind her, now unable to escape. She turned her head around, not to see the guards.. but herself.

???| Pathetic. Even in a dream.

Then darkness.

The blank void of nothingness.




I sat up, in a panic and breathing heavily. Holding my head in my hands as tears ran down my face. Feeling horrified, that same feeling of helplessness like a white rabbit in a cage came back.

| Why.. what was that dream..? I swear it was so real..

I whip my head around as I hear the front door being pounded. Which in turn makes Grim jolt up, his peaceful slumber coming to an end.

Grim| Meh.. Hey Prefect, who's making so much noise this late in the night..?

I contemplate for a second before quickly shaking my head, quickly replacing my horrified look with a smile as to not worry my furry companion.

| Mm.. No idea. I'll check, come along if you wish.

Grim gets up from his bed, stretching his legs and walking over to me. I get up and walk out of the bedroom, walking through the broken down house towards the front door. The loud pounding of the door not quitting for a second due to it.

I exchange glances with Grim, taking in a deep breath and letting it go as I prepare to open the door. My hand reaches towards the dusty knob, gently turning it and revealing who was on the other side.

| Ace..? What are you doing here so late, and what's that on your neck?

There Ace stood in the doorway, a less then happy look plastered on his face. The bright moonlight illuminating the intricate yet confusing object around his neck.

Ace| There ya are! Took you long 'nough.. say, can I come in?

I look confused for a second, but back away from the door. Letting him inside. He saunters over to the rusty couch and plops down. Dust flying up, and resulting in him coughing.

Ace| Ack-! Prefect you really need to do some dusting!

I roll my eyes and walk up to him. Not appreciating the sly comment. I put my hands on my hips and frown, displaying my displeasure without a word.

Grim| Hey! She's been working hard!

Ace| She has? What about you huh?

Grim glared daggers at Ace, which in turn made Ace stick his tongue out at the feline. I sigh and snap my fingers, making them turn their attention to me.

| Alright, quiet! Ace, can you please explain what is on your neck and why you are here?

Grim| Wait.. isn't that the collar that Physco put on me!? I'd recognize it from anywhere!

So.. that solves the collar question. But now why is it on Ace..?

Ace sighed and slumped on the couch, now pouting. Almost as if he was trying to gain sympathy from me.

Ace| Well.. I ate a tart and got kicked out of my dorm.

I look at him puzzled, kicked out of your dorm for eating a tart? That's a first. I motion to him to add more context to the story.

Grim| Eating a tart!? That's it!? That's unfair!

| Now now.. we need more context Ace. Go on.

Ace| Yeah, that's it! That's all I did! I was a pretty hungry, see, so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge. Three whole tarts! Big ones, too! Then the house warden found me and put this collar on me!

I facepalmed at finding out what he did. I scoff and remove my hand from my face, giving Ace a disappointing stare.

Grim| So.. the point is it's a two way street?

Ace| Don't you think it's an overreaction!?

| A bit.. but it was still deserved on your end.

Grim| Yea, like what if they were for a birthday party or something!

I nod my head in agreement with Grim. My gaze that of a disappointed mother, as I sigh loudly. I walk closer to him and look down into his eyes.

| Did you even apologize? You stole something, therefore you need to apologize and repay it.

Ace| But it was just food!

Grim| That is a serious offense in my book!

Ace groaned loudly and looked away from my intense gaze. I could sense his nervousness from his body movements as he fiddles around with his shirt a bit.

Ace| Fine.. I get that I should apologize. But you are coming with me Prefect!

| Eh.. fine. I'll go with you to apologize.

Ace finally turns back to look at me, smiling now that I agreed to go with him. He pats the arm rest and speaks up.

Ace| Anyway.. got a place for me to crash?

Grim frowns and crosses his arms, not pleased with the idea.

Grim| You were serious about that? Well you are gonna have to clean one of the spare bedrooms, the only clean one is mine and the Prefects!

Ace| Come on don't be stingy! Prefect, lemme sleep in the bed with you! C'mon, I promise I'm real slim!

Ace suddenly looks at me, realizing what he had just asked of a girl. Flushing up slightly and whipping his head away from me.

Ace| N-Nevermind.. sorry.

I giggle slightly and sit down on the couch next to him. Grim now looking at me confused and walking closer to me.

| I'll sleep on the couch.. you can have the bed.

Besides.. I don't think I can sleep tonight.

Ace suddenly looks back at me and smiles, giving me a thumbs up and standing up. While Grim looks at me, betrayed in his eyes. He grumbles a bit and walked back to the bedroom alongside Ace.

Ace| Goodnight Prefect! I promise I won't ruin your bed.

| Goodnight you two. Sleep well.

I lay down on the couch, pulling the old throw blanket over myself and staring at the ceiling, my attention now towards my thoughts. My dream.. I and scared for the upcoming days, I don't know why..

Enjoy this new update. Hope my writing had gotten better!

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