4. Even the lab looked better then this dump-

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Wow me updating this soon?! Anyway, I changed/Shortened a few parts cause I need to hurry up with the story, I'm trying to get to book 1 quickly, don't worry the quality will still be good!
Crowley takes you back to the library and we start looking for maps and books.

Crowley: There really isn't anything about your homeland... I have a grasp on where every student hails from, but there is nothing about yours in history. Are you lying to me about this?

: Of course not, I have No reason to lie.

Crowley: Do you have any identification? A phone, a drivers license?

:No ... they didn't let us use devices back "home"

You mumble under your breath a bit.

Crowley: Ah that's a shame. I think it is safe to say you do not hail from this world then.

:Huh?! How is that possible? How would I have even come here-

Crowley: My apologies, I cannot answer those questions because I do not know. Since you are unable to get to your home I will allow you to use an old dorm, it certainly has much charm...
In the meantime I will be looking for ways to get you home, for I am gracious.

:Thank you, I hope I won't be a burden! ( Bbg you could never be a burden btw )

Crowley: Now now thank you very much little lady, you couldn't possibly be a burden to somebody as gracious as me!

There he goes again with the gracious stuff.

Crowley leads you to a run down dorm even a squatter would hesitate, you cringe a bit but decide to speak.

:Ah Uhm... It has a little too much charm, but thank you..

Crowley: Ah your welcome! Now hurry in hurry in., don't want you getting to cold little one!

He rushes you inside and you see how run down it truly is. Cobwebs covering the celling and almost everything else. Strange white cloths on top of furniture.

Crowley: I will be back shortly, do get comfy!
| Y/N POV|
Crowley left the house and I dusted off the couch to sit down. It looks quite... run down at best. It's better then sitting outside though!

I hear the door open, is Crowley back already? I turn my head to see, Grim?! Wasn't he thrown out? More importantly isn't he too short to reach the door? So many questions I'll just ask later-
| 3rd Person POV|
You look at Grim and start to speak before he has the chance.

:What are you doing here? Weren't you thrown out? How did you open the door?

Grins face flashes with confusion for a second at your last statement, he quickly recovers and starts to speak.

Grim: I just came back in since nobody saw me, and it's soaking wet out here! My cute ear flames are gonna be put out!

:Well get inside!

You grab a white cloth covering a chair, you then walk over to Grim and pick him up.
He looks at you confused before trying to get out of your grasp.

:Hey hey! I'm trying to dry you off!

Suddenly he stops struggling and lets you dry him off.

:Awe look at you, you are quite cute when your not setting things on fire!

Grim: Hey! How dare you say that about the Great Grim!

You giggle and put him down.

:I'm sorry The Great Grim, well now your dry!

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