5. Sir, I am from another world I don't know these people-

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Hi! You guys are always welcome to comment and talk to me, and give me advice of course!

I arise from my slumber feeling somehow refreshed in this dump. Well it is certainly better then the lab!
I also need to get my cleaning supplies from Crowley and everything.

I get up and shake Grim for a while..' He is one hard sleeper'

Grim: Five more minutes....

Awe, he's cute! Sadly Crowley will be all up in my business if we are not up.

:Grim, I know your tired but you have to get up!

I hear a menacing chuckle from behind meI swiftly turn around to see... a ghost.'Oh dear they are back'.

Ghost 1: Huehue.. you should get up, or else you may never wake up again! Like we did!

Grim suddenly shoots up and shouts

Grim: GAAH! The ghosts are back!

He gets prepared to fight them and I stop him saying

:Don't waste your energy! They will just be back, we should learn how to live together.

Ghost B: Your right! You should also get ready, you have a long day ahead!

: Ah right, I forgot about that-
I was cut off by the door opening, did he really just barge into here? I mean he means no harm so I guess it's fine.

Crowley: Rise and shine! Did you have a good rest?

:I had a good sleep, definitely not my worst.

Grim: I fell through the bed frame! This place is a total dump!

Crowley: Ah that's great to hear! Now onto your jobs! Here is your clothing and supplies!

| Sorry for the maid outfit drop, I couldn't find the one I was looking for, I chose the one that would be very covering though|

| Sorry for the maid outfit drop, I couldn't find the one I was looking for, I chose the one that would be very covering though|

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He really gave me a full maid dress?! Well it's better then soiling my robe. Speaking of which I don't have any other clothes-

:I certainly wasn't expecting a full outfit, well thank you.

Crowley: Ah, you are very welcome! This was back from the olden days. I thought you could use it. Here are your supplies!

He hands me a broom, a roll of trash bags, some spray, and a little thing to carry everything except the broom.

Crowley: Now remember, you must clean Main Street today, you are welcome to get some food at lunch and study in the library for a way home after your done cleaning!

Grim: Neghh... this is gonna suck..

: Well we don't have a choice. Let's get going.

Crowley: One more thing! Since you are a female, you may get... how do I put this... harassed? You are welcome to use any means to protect yourself.

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