7. I forgot about you, somehow.

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This is kind of an Interlude chapter, to explain more things about Y/N and everything. And to explain who she is.

I fell asleep quite fast, the sun beaming down upon me aided in my rest. Then I heard something, come towards me. *Click Clack* *Click Clack*. Somebody it approaching me and they obviously have heels. I try to sit up only to not move an inch. I open my eyes to see a pair of white and orange heels facing towards me.

?: Eh? My I wasn't expecting to see you of all people here. Now tell me Y/N did you really forget about me?

My eyes widened in fear as I soon came to realize who it was. Why.. I thought I was free from her..

?: Answer me Y/N. You of all people should know to speak when I ask.

I'm not gonna get anywhere if I just stay silent. It isn't like she can hurt me... physically-

:To be honest, yes I did forget about you.

Her eyes narrowed. She snapped her fingers and then grabbed my face, lifting me up a bit. She stared at me in the eyes. I smirked knowing that made her mad.

?: How dare you forget about me! After all, I have the power to destroy your life! My you should be glad I even share a fraction of my power with you.

Sharing her power with me? Huh?!

?: Don't give me that look. If you die I die, of course I allowed you to use some of my power. After all you have almost always never let me control.

She let go of my face. Turned away and snapped her fingers again.

?: You best be careful, after all I would say in about 10 seconds you will feel extreme pain. Consider it tough love. Now I will wake you up.

She walked away and the scenery disappeared...

I opened my eyes to see the dazzling sun. I put a hand over my eyes to shield them until I got used to the brightness.

:What did she mean about extreme pain? I feel fine?

I mumble that out before my cheek starts hurting really bad. It felt like it was on fire, I cringed and gripped at the grass pulling it out.

:Fuck! Okay that's what she meant, that's what she meant!

I got up and held my cheek, walking to the cafeteria to get some food and maybe check up on Grim. On the way I found a puddle of water before deciding to check if my cheek was in need of cleaning.

I lift up the bandage to see.. the wound is gone? I peel off the whole bandage and look at it in the water. It's perfectly healed... I guess she really does care about me, or me not dying-


Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to make things a bit more in depth about her and Y/N and specifically their relationship and some more ✨Lore✨

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